First, I got the most friendly service I've ever gotten from Best Buy. See, great customer service really does count!
And second, I got carded at the LCBO! *shrieks* The LCBO is one of two places we can buy bottled alcohol from in Ontario (the other place is The Beer Store). Anyways, I hadn't been carded in almost a year :( Plus, the cashier who asked for my ID had seen me at least 3 times in the past month. He didn't card me the other times but he did on Wednesday! I wanted to jump over the counter, scream and hug him for making me feel young again LOL
Soooo I thought, OMG, it must be the green eye shadow I had on that (1) made the sales person be friendly and most importantly (2) made me possibly look 19 years old
MAC Undercurrent Pearlglide liner was what I used as a green eye shadow. It has gold flecks in it but I'm not sure why the MAC description on their website doesn't say so
I'm not fond of how the green shadow looks on me. BUT, if I get carded again by another LCBO staff while wearing this same EOTD, you can bet I will buy back ups of this eye liner LOL
I have on MAC #21 lashes. Close up for you falsie lovers
I'm also wearing MAC Goldmine eye shadow (above crease up to the eyebrows) and MAC Prive lipstick from their Baroque Boudoir collection. Swatches:
How is your week coming along so far? Has anyone made your day this week? :)