Procter and Gamble had a sampler and they had sent me this Olay Regenerist Daily Thermal Mini-Peel Treatment as one of the samples. I'm not sure why they call it a "mini-peel"- it's just an exfoiliator really but a gentle one compared to my St. Ives Apricot scrub.
Anyways, this is my first warming scrub and oh, I looove the very warm sensation when you first rub it onto your skin! It's so nice - especially on a cold day or something like that (perfect for Fall/Winter here!). Unfortunately, even though the instructions say that you can re-wet your face to extend the thermal experience it doesn't really work for me. The warming sensation lasts for a good 10-15 seconds and then once it's over, adding more water to the product on your face doesn't make the product get warm again.
I really like how it's micro beads that exfoiliate the skin here instead of the harsher apricot shells that they use in the St. Ives scrub. I won't give up my St. Ives apricot scrub because I need a stronger scrub like that once or twice a week....but the Olay one is probably gentle enough to use everyday. I will use the Olay scrub probably 3-4 times a week at most just because my skin is sensitive and it'll get irritated if I exfoiliate daily.
The scent is rather light and pleasant.
I'm definitely going to buy a full size of this Olay Thermal Mini Peel once I finish the sample!
Yes, I have waited patiently for L'oreal to come out with a waterproof version of their Carbon Black mascara. I found it a few weeks ago at the store and grabbed it right away!
I'm not sure if I'll notice it being much darker than the regular black L'oreal Voluminous Waterproof mascara that I always use. But I'm opening up the mascara today because I just tossed my previous L'oreal Voluminous in the garbage. So we'll see how black this carbon black is!
Have you used any carbon black products from L'oreal? Do you find that it's much more intensely black than a regular black?
=) Karen
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