This is what happened to them
Even my boyfriend was getting concerned about my shoe collection getting out of hand LOL.
Well, stacking nice shoes like that is not a good idea because they can get ruined. So my boyfriend suggested I get another shoe rack.
My boyfriend bought me this from Solutions. It's a store that offers storage solutions :)
My boyfriend (like all good boyfriends) assembling the rack for me
So I took the pile of shoes and lined them up on the floor
I didn't think I had 30 pair of shoes in that stack!! I thought I only had like 12-15 shoes maybe.
Surprise - the new 30 shoe rack is completely full.
I know what you're probably thinking: "Good Lord Karen! What's with your pile of shoes?!"
Actually, my friends would most likely describe me as organized LOL. Well, for the most part as you've seen for yourself.
Would your friends/family describe you as organized?
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