Monday, August 16, 2010

Comment on "Pop princess 'sorry' for not disclosing HIV+ status

You know when "sorry" comes too fucking late? That's what I thought when I read this article from the Toronto Star this morning.

I can't figure out if blogger has a copy/paste I just took three pictures of my computer screen regarding the article and posted it here for you to read. I seriously don't know why the lines show up in the picture like this since my computer screen is pretty clear in person!

I have absolutely nothing against a promiscuous lifestyle. I also highly respect people who chose to remain chaste for personal reasons. However, please please please use condoms or be vigilant about testing yourself and your sex partners before engaging in unprotected sex.
This is not news people. You've been told that HIV+ people don't look like dying/bed-ridden individuals. See, this woman is young, attractive AND famous. What would have made those men think she was even close to being an HIV carrier? You see, they didn't suspect it and they took the benefit of the doubt.
Want to know what I think of her statement through her lawyer? The part where she says she kept her HIV+ status hidden because she "heard" the likelihood of transferring AIDS is nearly zero? I heard the same statistics but I want to ask her - "would you have slept with some without a condom if you knew your partner was HIV+ and you were not?" I'm sure she and anyone else would NOT knowingly engage in sexual intercourse knowing someone has HIV.
I know there are critics who deem this wrong - that we're trying to criminalize the disease. I think that's absolute bullshit. We're not putting people with HIV/AIDS into jail. And we're not putting people with HIV/AIDS into jail for having protected sex - we're charging those who knowingly have the disease yet still refrain from telling their intimate partners about their disease and risking infecting them with a deadly virus by not using a condom. How is that criminalizing?
Wouldn't you want someone with HIV+ status to tell you they were before engaging in sexual activities with you?
Have you heard of the Johnson Aziga case? He's the first person in Canada to be charged with 1st degree murder for spreading HIV. I am a strong supporter of this verdict. You know what's sad? One of the ladies he infected died of the AIDS she got from him before she could see his verdict in court. And she has a young daughter. I remember reading that.
I pity the guy who has to prove he contracted HIV from Bennaissa. Unless he has a medical history record showing regular (annual) blood tests he had been HIV- up til he met Bennaissa, it can be difficult to prove without doubt that he contracted the virus from her alone. Do you know how much stress he has to go through to prove this in court? Especially against someone like Bennaissa? Think about how that stress will affect his immune system as well.
I want to get this message out to you because I know too many people in the back of their minds, are still ignorant and think that people with HIV/AIDS look like they're dying. That people who are young and good looking aren't infected. Look at Bennaissa.
A partner of a close friend of Evgueni's passed away from complications arising from AIDS this past Spring. I had dinner with this person within two months of them passing away. This person did not look like they were going to die and this person has been infected with HIV for more than a decade. My advice goes beyond the scope of HIV.... there are a host of other viruses. I knew someone who had Hep B and was very promiscuous without telling their partners about it.
Hep B is dangerous. It kills your liver over time.
Please find some wisdom in this article. Get tested with your partner and make sure you trust them before engaging in unprotected sex. If you don't have the time/effort to get tested and/or you don't trust them to be faithful, then use a condom.

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