Friday, January 7, 2011

Birthday and Christmas Gifts from last month

I'm a tad bit late - I know :S 

But I thought I would do a post to share some of the gifts I got last month for both my Birthday and Christmas, as I loved reading other similar posts

First up was my Birthday gift from Evgueni
He's a very practical man - one of the qualities I love about him

Evgueni bought and assembled a new shelving unit for my locker :)
My locker was a nightmare by the way - and Evgueni was witness to that

In person, the before and after effect was more shocking
Before when my locker was a mess (left) and after Evgueni installed the shelving unit (right) 

And Evgueni took me out for Korean BBQ
I really could have eaten anywhere with him - I'm always happy no matter what we're doing ;) 


My sisters both asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told them I only wanted a few konad plates and some of my favourite Ardell lashes. Yep, I got my priorities straight LOL

My Ardell lashes did not arrive yet....but Konad did

Extra things my sisters surprised me with on Christmas...and I got money from my parents for both my Birthday and Christmas ;)
Thanks sooo much Mom, Dad, Carol & Jenn for making Christmas always so special!!


I must admit, Dale spoiled me this year

Not only did he take me on a 5 day trip to London England, Paris and Stonehenge for my Birthday
But he took care of everything on our trip 
And on top of that, these are all the gifts he bought for me....

Dale always finds the most fitting cards for me
He thought #4 on the card was most fitting :P
Gift certificate to Guess, another to Forever 21

Dale told me to take my parents to the movies with these :)

Remember how I mentioned that Dale and Evgueni both know about each other and they both accept that the other person is part of my life?
Well, look what Dale wrote here
I was very touched that Dale thought of Evgueni too

More gift cards from Dale 

Another gift card from Dale - this one to Best Buy

Dale wanted me to pick out my own bouquet of flowers for my birthday - so this is what I chose
It's a very romantic and beautiful colour. I like this colour of roses a lot more than red roses 

Roses weren't the only flower I got from Dale last month...

He got me a beautiful poinsettia plant :)
Sooo pretty - it's been a month now and well, it doesn't look like this anymore but it's not too bad. I read up a bit
on how to maintain a poinsettia for the next Christmas season and it just seems like a lot of work! Dale joked this was my experiment since he knows no plant has survived Karen's place :P

A lot of perfume - all my favourites
(left to right): The new Calvin Klein Beauty Perfume, Vera Wang Princess, Chanel Coco Madamemoiselle (both the large 100 mL perfume and then a smaller gift set with the 30 mL perfume and body lotion), Armani Code perfume (he bought me two of the large sized bottles and two of the perfumed lotions) 

Hello Kitty stuff: musical stocking, two makeup purses, a wallet, notepad, calendar, plush toy, globe toys

Dale once caught me with a hole in one of my socks
So it's an ongoing joke about my socks LOL 

Absolutely Natural products: Rose Hip Aloe, Mint and Citrus oil blend (I did a review here), Essence of Rosehip Mineral Bath salts, and their Peppermint Foot Creme
Dale orders these in from the USA through the company website

My HG Body Lotion which I can't stop raving about - Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion
And Olay Classic Replenishing Night Cream is another HG of mine (and also an HG for both my parents!)

My previous Oral B Professional toothbrush gave out after nine years (yes! NINE YEARS)
So of course with such a positive experience with this brand (the professional line only, not the vitality line),  I asked this from Dale and he bought me this Oral B Professional Care series 8965 :) 

The Waterpik flosser that Dale bought for me in June sadly broke down last month :(
So this was one of the things on my wish list that Dale picked up for me
This set has two Water Piks in it so hopefully this lasts longer! LOL

Dale also got me this really cute magenta/fuchsia coat with toggles from Guess
I've been eyeing this coat ever since it came out!

Dale also got me this Guess Whitney coat in the same colour as the coat above
I like how this one is long (knee length)

And he also got me the same Guess Whitney coat in the black colour as well 

Dale picked out this Genevie dress from Guess - I really like this one!
There is a cool zipper you can zip up or down for a different look (maybe I will explain in another post?)

The Renee Hobo Bag from Guess 

Haha - okay, these are Dale's unused ice cube trays
When he was at my place in December, my ice cube trays really sucked (they're super small) so he had no ice for his rum and cokes. Hence, he passed these onto me LOL

I love love LOVE lace! This lace is actually printed onto the dress - it's not a separate layer above the blush fabric
They sold out of
this Lace Print dress at my local American Apparel so Dale bought it for me in Calgary for me
Okay, the dress isn't this short when you buy it. I got it hemmed up four inches LOL

Caruso steam rollers have been around for ageesss but for some reason that escapes me, I only discovered it a couple of months ago
So Dale picked this up for me at Sally Beauty Supply

This is a new flavour from Baileys 
And he knows how attached I am to my Nescafe Hazelnut coffee

I already did a post here, on these gorgeous heels that Dale bought for me from Guess, Browns, and Ziginy

I needed a new external hard drive so Dale picked this one up for me
The My Passport Essential SE 1 TB is perfecttt! Very sleek, USB driven and a pretty large file size (1 TB)
Did you know by the way, that this year the USB 2.0 will be replaced by USB 3.0 on all new computers?

Also, if there's any products in this post that you'd like me to review for you, let me know! :)


I wanted to say that I feel so blessed for my family and the wonderful people in my life

As for gift giving at Christmas time, it's absolutely fun and thoughtful

But I would say, between getting a full time job and maturing into an adult, gift giving didn't have the same meaning to me. I still appreciate everything but it's not so consuming. When I was a kid, I couldn't even sleep during some Christmas Eve's and I would wake up super early in the morning eager to open gifts. I still look forward to gift giving during Christmas time, but it's not the most important thing to me - and when I think of Christmas, family (and food!) comes first now before gifts

The health & happiness of my family and loved ones is what matters to me most in life, and also during Christmas time

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