Monday, May 16, 2011



Britney Spears is ‘Shopped into oblivion on the June cover of Harper’s Bazaar

Posted: 16 May 2011 08:33 AM PDT


As Britney Spears promotes her new album, I've noted time and time again that she's not really doing any of her interviews. Her PR team works it so that she answers questions "via email" and God knows who writes the junk. But I will give her publicist credit - he or she really makes an effort to put in "Britney-isms" into the interview so it sounds sort of like her. Anyway, Britney is the cover girl for the June issue of Harper's Bazaar, although it might be difficult to tell because they Photoshopped the crap out of her face. However, it actually looks like she sat down and did the interview face-to-face, although it's unclear how the piece was actually conducted. Some of the questions and answers do sound email-ish. But she doesn't sound out of it, either. She sounds cognizant, reflective and nice. Good for her. The slideshow is here, and the full interview is here. Here are some highlights:

LAURA BROWN: What has been your best fashion look?
BRITNEY SPEARS: I went to the Grammys in 2002, and I had really curly, curly hair. I had a red dress on. It wasn’t short and saucy; it was a long red dress. That dress was fun.

LB: What was your biggest fashion mistake?
BS: Ten years ago at the Billboard awards, I wore this orange hat and orange bra and orange booty pants and purple fishnets. Oh, and I had an orange jacket on.
LB: Was it Halloween?
BS [laughs]: No, it wasn’t Halloween. I actually thought I looked hot at the time. But, um, I definitely stood out. I thought it was just a marvelous idea to wear this purple and orange outfit; it was like high school colors. I was a cheerleader for a school I didn’t know. People were talking about it, but not in a good way.

LB: Your hair is looking long and lustrous. Are you whipping it back and forth?
BS: Yeah, I love ponytails. I’m a wash-and-go girl. But, oh yeah, I like to whip it.

LB: Are you enjoying dancing again?
BS: I love to dance, so it’s very exciting. The tour rehearsals have been going really well. I think it will be my best show yet.

LB: What songs get you moving?
BS: I love “S&M” and “Only Girl” by Rihanna; that’s why I jumped on the “S&M” remix. She’s really cool. I like her a lot.

LB: Everybody has Bieber fever. Have you met Justin? Would you ever want to work with him?
BS: I think he’s adorable. I just saw his movie, and I really didn’t realize how big he was. He’s enormous; he’s just Mr. Man. A lot of the movie is really similar to what I did when I was starting out. I did a promo tour for a year, going into radio stations and all that. It was so cool to see our similarities.

LB: “It’s Britney, bitch” is classic, but you say you’re less bitchy than impatient. What makes you impatient?
BS: When things take a long time, I just get really stubborn. When I know that things are supposed to go a certain way [laughs] and when it’s my time of the month.

LB: What makes you laugh uncontrollably?
BS: Usually when people trip or fall or run into something. Not to be mean, but I can’t help it. If they really hurt themselves, then I feel bad, but if they accidentally do it and they stand up and act cool like nobody saw them, I have to laugh.

LB: It’s been eight years since you kissed Madonna onstage at the MTV awards. What have you learned from her?
BS: I actually saw her a couple of weeks ago at a party. I guess she’s really taught me to stay true to myself. That seems like a simple thing to say, but she taught me through action, not just by saying it. There are so many people around you that have opinions, but you just have to listen to your instincts.

LB: You’ve said Jennifer Lopez inspires you professionally. Would you ever want to be a judge on American Idol?
BS: I would! That would be awesome. I wouldn’t be a tough judge, though.

LB: What do you think of Lady Gaga?
BS: She’s unique and extremely talented. I love her spin on everything.

LB: Would you like to get married again? More kids?
BS: I’ve thought about both, so if the timing was right …

LB: Could you see your sons performing?
BS: If they have a love and passion for the arts and that’s what they want to do, then so be it. They are both little actors and so charismatic, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

LB: Which one of your hits made you realize you’d made it?
BS: From the beginning, probably “… Baby One More Time.” I haven’t seen that video in such a long time.

LB: What’s your favorite video?
BS: “Overprotected.” I just think it says a lot. It was directed so well, it was really colorful, and the dancing was amazing.

LB: Who is your greatest inspiration musically?
BS: Whitney Houston. I’ve loved her since I was a kid.

LB: What is your guilty pleasure?
BS: Bapchi’s caramel toffee from Vosges. They were in my hotel room, and I made everyone bring them from their rooms.

[From Harper's Bazaar]

Yeah, it's not a deep interview. Which makes me think Britney might have actually said this stuff. Does she sound mentally incapable in this piece?

Oh, and regarding the photo shoot - that wig. Yikes. I mean, I'm glad that we're not seeing her busted weave of doom anymore, but JESUS. That is one tacky looking wig.




Photos courtesy of Harper's Bazaar slideshow.

“Botox & Brazilian” Mom has eight year-old daughter taken away by CPS

Posted: 16 May 2011 08:17 AM PDT

Have you heard the story about the stage mom who told the press that she gives her eight year old daughter Botox and waxes her daughter’s legs and pubic area monthly? The girl doesn’t have any hair down there or wrinkles, but this insane mom thinks that she’s somehow giving her daughter a competitive edge in the tween beauty pageant arena. She thought it would be a good idea to 1. do that to her poor daughter and 2. go public with the fact that she’s an abusive witch.

To ABC, this mom said she waxed her daughters’ “upper leg area,” and tried to act like it was a onetime thing, but to The Sun she admitted she does “monthly virgin waxes,” saying, “She also has her virgin wax monthly, which gets rid of her fluffy leg hair and makes sure she wont develop pubic hair in the future.” Having heard this cretin of a woman speak (video above) I doubt she’s capable of sounding that articulate. The good news is that the mom is now under investigation by Child Services (a division of Human Services). I doubt they’ll take her kid away from her but maybe they’ll force her to take some parenting classes, not that anything could help a person this stubborn and stupid. (Update: The child has been removed from the home, see below.)


The California mom who admitted to injecting her 8-year-old daughter with botox for a kiddie beauty pageant is now being investigated by the San Francisco Human Services Agency.

“It’s pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an 8-year-old with botox and certainly is grounds for an investigation,” said Trent Rohrer of the San Francisco Human Services Agency.

Mom Kerry and daughter Britney, appeared on “Good Morning America” Thursday defending the 8-year-old pageant contestant’s use of botox.

“I just, like, don’t, like, think wrinkles are nice on little girls,” Britney said.

Britney admitted it hurt to get the injections on her face, but said she was used to the pain.

The admission sparked an uproar online, in the medical community and by child advocates.

Kerry told ABC News that she does not believe she’s endangering Britney’s health and that her daughter asked for the injections. Kerry, who asked that her family’s last name not be used, is a part-time aesthetician and no stranger to Botox herself, having done the treatment on her own face.

“Like I said, I do the botox myself. It’s safe,” Kerry said.

“She had watched me do it before,” said Kerry. “So when we first did it, she was fine with it.”

Kerry wouldn’t reveal who provides her with the Botox. Kerry typically administers the Botox to Britney through a total of five shots, in three different locations on her face.

[ABC News via Hollybaby]

As Good Morning America mentions, doctors sometimes give kids Botox as a legitimate treatment for neurological disorders or crossed eyes, but of course this is outrageous and abusive. At least it sheds light onto a really despicable abusive practice that some of these stage moms may be inflicting on their daughters. Hopefully this is an isolated case though.

Update: The child was removed from the home over the weekend.

Look at this sweet little girl. Who could do this to their kid?



Olivia Wilde is “heating up” with Justin Timberlake, despite honeybadger denials

Posted: 16 May 2011 07:52 AM PDT


Back in April, Us Weekly and People Magazine got some suspiciously similar "reports" of Olivia Wilde and Justin Timberlake hanging out all flirty and sexy at some club or something. Speculation ran rampant - both Olivia and JT had recently split with their significant others, and it was thought that perhaps Olivia Wilde had succeeded where Olivia Munn had not. Plus, the possibility of Wilde & JT together meant that Mila Kunis probably wasn't in the running, which made many of us happy. Anyway, just hours after those simultaneous and suspicious reports, Olivia Wilde got on her Twitter and snotted out a hipster denial in which she called all of us "honeybadgers". It was pretty dumb, especially considering it was probably HER publicist who "leaked" the story. JT denied that he and Wilde were anything but friends too. But now it's looking like JT and Olivia were lying liars.

Things seem to be heating up between Justin Timberlake and Olivia Wilde. Timberlake headed to Hell’s Kitchen’s Southern Hospitality on Friday night to celebrate his friend Eytan Sugarman’s birthday.

“Tron” beauty Wilde arrived shortly after to meet him and stayed by his side all night.

Both newly single, the pair have been seen together repeatedly, but Timberlake’s rep denied a relationship.

“Justin has starred in two movies with Ms. Wilde . . . they are friends and are not romantically involved, nor is Mr. Timberlake romantically involved with anyone.”

[From Page Six]

I don't want to enrage the hipsters by being a honeybadger, but I tend to think Olivia and JT are doing it. I don't know if it's love, but I doubt it. More like some rebound action for both of them. My guess is that JT wants to be officially "single" for a while after his disastrous relationship with Jessica Biel, and I think Olivia Wilde is looking for any kind of upgrade, someone Hollywood. Oh, and this probably means that Olivia is no longer riding the Gosdong? Perhaps. Hopefully.



Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

Did Pippa Middleton dump her boyfriend and upgrade to someone richer?

Posted: 16 May 2011 07:26 AM PDT


Here are some new photos of our new princess, Pippa Middleton. She was photographed extensively over the weekend because she jetted off to Madrid… with an ex-boyfriend! SCANDAL. She technically has a boyfriend named Alex Loudon, and the gossip last week was that Pippa and Alex were engaged and preparing to announce. However, there was also some gossip about Pippa pulling back from Alex and reviewing her options now that she's an international celebrity because of who her sister married. Looks like that version was probably more true ("truthier"). Pippa was spotted with her ex, George Percy and they looked… couple-ish (he's the blondish guy in the photo above). Percy is royalty (the son of the Duke of Nothumberland) and he's rich, rich, RICH.

Row, row, row your boat! With royal sister Duchess Kate away in the Seychelles, Pippa Middleton made her own post-wedding getaway over the weekend. The buzzed-about maid of honor, 27, traveled with a gang of pals to Madrid, Spain.

Among her entourage: George Percy, her ex-boyfriend, who was photographed rowing a boat as Pippa and another female passenger basked in the sun in the Spanish city’s Retiro Park on Sunday.

Percy, 26, is the son of the Duke of Northumberland, one of the richest men in Britain. The Daily Mail reports that he and Middleton dated back at Edinburgh University and have kept up a friendship for nearly a decade.

Earlier during the Madrid sojourn, Pippa and her pals were spotted partying at hotspot Fortuna nightclub, sightseeing and sipping wine at a cafe.

Middleton’s latest beau of one year, Alex Loudon, reportedly stayed behind in London. Like most of Middleton’s men, Loudon, 30, also has a posh pedigree: The son of a retired financier attended the prestigious schools Eton and the London Business School and has family ties to both an earl and the Dutch monarchy.

“She’s lovely, but she knows that by aligning herself with certain people, she will get to the next tier,” a confidante tells Us Weekly of Middleton.

[From Us Weekly]

Let's see… marry a cute, well-off athletic-type (Loudon) or a filthy rich soon-to-be duke with a grand estate at his disposal (Percy)? Yeah. I think Pippa has made her choice. And then Percy's dad dies, George and his wife will become the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland. Meaning that technically speaking, Kate and Pippa would both be duchesses. The same!!!! At least until The Queen kicks it, after which Kate will become The Princess of Wales. A much better title. And don't kid yourself - this is mostly about sisterly competition, and Pippa trying to outdo her big sister. Just like me and my mother’s cats. I always try to out-shine them!






Photos courtesy of Fame.

Isabel Lucas goes yellow blonde - pretty or generic?

Posted: 16 May 2011 07:16 AM PDT

You may not be familiar with Isabel Lucas. She’s a 26 year-old Australian actress and model with a distinctive boho style. I first heard about her when she was dating Adrien Grenier then Shia Labeouf and you see photos of her at events occasionally. She usually looks radiantly pretty with barely any makeup and is known for wearing some pretty out there getups. She’s a vegetarian, she’s committed to environmental causes (although here she is throwing out a cup - scandal!) and she’s a 60s throwback. When she had chestnut brown hair it just seemed to suit her and she really looked the part.


Now she’s gone blonde for whatever reason. I googled her and she used to be a blonde when she was younger, and she was blonde briefly in 2009, but this look is all wrong for her now.


Here she is at Coachella just a month ago with her boyfriend Angus Stone. He’s an Australian folk singer and together they’re a hippie power couple, if that’s not a contradiction. I wonder if they broke up and that’s why she changed up her hair, or maybe it’s for a role. (Not that she acts in much, no offense.) She would have done better with some highlights rather than an all over yellow blonde. Hopefully she’ll fix it soon.


Here she is at the Costume Institute Gala May 2. I wouldn’t have even recognized her!


Out in December, 2010 looking so pretty.

And in February with blonde highlights. They’re still kind of cheap looking but they’re better than her hair now.

Photo Credit: WENN and Fame



Uma Thurman in Chanel, with Jude Law: unflattering, skeevy or lovely?

Posted: 16 May 2011 06:48 AM PDT


As you know already, Uma Thurman is on the Cannes Film Festival jury this year. Uma has been using the festival to outshine almost every celebrity lady - Uma's fashion has been nearly impeccable. My favorite thus far has been the white Versace, which looked AMAZING on Uma. This Chanel gown, however, might be my least favorite from the festival. I know why it's a good dress technically, but it looks meh-to-unflattering on Uma. In the profile photos, you can tell that Uma is carrying some weight in her midsection - the Chanel emphasizes it! Tragic. Beyond the fashion, though, Uma's hair, makeup and jewelry have been consistently fantastic. She really prepared some big-impact looks for the festival. Good for her.



By the way, I'm starting to wonder if Uma has a little something going with her jury member Jude Law. They've been posing together on the red carpet - not unusual, per se, but it's interesting. Even more fascinating is that they seem to be doing some after-hours partying together too. They were both at a Chopard event last night, and while Uma posed with lots of people, this one photo caught my eye:


They both look slightly toasty, a little extra friendly. Is it okay if I want this happen? Uma and Jude would be stunning together. She's so tall and Nordic-goddess, he's so dapper and British and kind of skeezy. He usually only dates petite women, but maybe he'll give a long-legged lass a good go-around. And Uma has a type too - let's just say that the woman who married Ethan Hawke would find herself at home with Jude's skeeze. PLEASE GOD LET THIS HAPPEN. (PS… remember Gattaca?)

By the way, I liked her black gown at the Chopard event so much more than the Chanel.


Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

Angelina Jolie has a date night with Brad & she finally names her Bosnian film

Posted: 16 May 2011 06:47 AM PDT


These are some new photos of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie out to dinner in Cannes last night. Brad seems to be wearing a charcoal-colored suit, white shirt and no tie, with his hair slicked back into some kind of fancy mullet (praise it). Angelina seems to be wearing a fitted white v-neck dress that I would like to see more of - it looks flattering, and very much UNLIKE the sack dresses she prefers for the red carpet. I could be wrong, but I thought I also spied a classic Louis Vuitton monogram purse in her hand too. Angelina was recently shooting the LV ads with Annie Leibovitz in Cambodia, and I can't wait for those to come out.

Later today is the big evening red carpet for Tree of Life, Brad's film with Terrence Malick. Brad and Angelina are both expected for the red carpet, and I'll have the pics from the Tree of Life photo call up in just a moment (just Brad, no Angie). First, I wanted to talk about the news that came out yesterday - Angelina's Bosnian love story movie has found a distrubuter, got a release date, and most importantly, Angelina finally gave it a title. She's calling it… In the Land of Blood and Honey. Meh.

FilmDistrict has been tapped to release Angelina Jolie's feature directorial debut In the Land of Blood and Honey, which is now slated to open Dec. 23 in the U.S.

The pact was announced Sunday in Cannes by Graham King and his producing partner Tim Headington, together with Peter Schlessel, CEO of FilmDistrict, the new production and distribution company that GK Films launched last year.

GK Films also produced the film, which Jolie wrote as well as directed.

Land is set against the backdrop of the Bonsian Civil War in the 1990s, and Jolie said, "The film is specific to the Bosnian War, but it's also universal. I wanted to tell a story of how human relationships and behavior are deeply affected by living inside a war."

It stars Zana Marjanovic (Snow), Goran Kostic and Rade Serbedzija (In the Rain). Jolie worked with a completely local cast, filming the project in both Serbo-Croation, the language spoken at the time of the war, and English. FilmDistrict will be releasing the English-language version.

"The former Yugoslavia has a rich history of dramatic arts. The cast was extraordinary. I was privileged and honored to work with them and I am very excited for everyone to see their immense talent," Jolie added.

The project reteams Jolie with King, who produced last year's thriller The Tourist, in which she starred with Johnny Depp.

"Working with Angelina on this film and story has been a great collaboration and I am extremely proud of this film," said King. "The filmmaking is impeccable, and signals the arrival of a visceral and compelling storyteller."

GK Films has several other titles that will also be released stateside in the fall: The Rum Diary, starring Depp, will be released by FilmDistrict on Oct. 28, and Martin Scorsese's foray into 3D, Hugo Cabret, will be distributed by Paramount on Nov. 23.

Jolie, who has been in Cannes this week to promote DreamWorks Animation's Kung Fu Panda 2, in which she voices the character of the Tigress, directed the 2007 documentary A Place in Time before making her current move into helming a narrative feature.

UPDATED: FilmDistrict sets Dec. 23 release date for “In the Land of Blood and Honey.”

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

We talked a little bit about this film on Friday, and I came clean about my qualms regarding how bad I think this film was going to be. Some super-cool Brangeloonies then QUESTIONED MY LOYALTY to the Brangelina Brand, and even doubted my membership to the club. Look… I love some Angelina. But the skinny bitch doesn't walk on water, and I honestly think the film is probably going to suck. It truly doesn't sound good. That being said, I will defend her right to make any movie she wants, and I will defend her because I think her heart was in the right place. I don't think In the Land of Blood and Honey is going to be offensive, not do I think it's some sort of terrible story about a rape victim falling in love with her rapist. I just think it's probably going to be a boring, somewhat preachy movie, and the worst thing I've heard about it thus far is that Angelina shot the entire thing in English and Bosnian (Serbo-Croatian) because she didn't know which she wanted. Seriously, that does not bode well. She should have figured that out before she even began filming.






Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

Brad Pitt, mullet-y in all-white; ‘Tree of Life’ was booed at Cannes

Posted: 16 May 2011 06:18 AM PDT


Here are some photos from the Tree of Life photo call in Cannes, just hours ago, as promised. Brad did the photo call with his costar and on-screen wife, Jessica Chastain, who is currently one of the It Girls being cast in EVERYTHING. She's 30 years old, but she seems older to me. And I dislike this shade of red on a girl with that shade of red hair. As for Brad… he took note of Jon Hamm's all-white ensemble and raised the Hamm Dong one salt-and-pepper mullet. Brad's Cannes ensembles are always… well, they're always interesting. There was that one year he did a photo call in a Tom Ford ascot. That was memorable. Brad loves his fashion, and I suspect he's a clotheshorse. So why this baggy suit and mullet? It makes him look like a low-level mob enforcer on holiday.

As for the critical response to Brad's latest offering (which he filmed in 2008, and director Terrence Malick fiddled with for THREE YEARS), Tree of Life seems to have drawn mixed reactions. There are multiple reports of booing during one screening, although Entertainment Weekly makes it sound like it was just a couple of people:

It can be daunting to describe Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life, but scattered audience members at its first screening in Cannes needed only one syllable: boo. The many supporters of the movie pushed back with counter-applause, but it was a shocking way for the movie to debut.

The Tree of Life is an elegiac litany of images and memory-like scenes more than a traditional narrative,. In brief, it's the origin of time and infinity through the lens of one troubled, 1950s-era Texas family. It stars Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain, though they share copious screen time with evolving galaxies, nebulae, and surreal, symbolic representations of the world beyond. Call it a coming of age story about the universe.

Here's how the chaos — on-screen and off — unfolded today …

The scene outside the 8:30 a.m. screening at the festival's Grand Theatre Lumiere was a mosh pit of fearsome determination. Malick is somewhat the J.D. Salinger of filmmakers, rarely photographed, and never submitting to interviews. Though he is hardly prolific, his handful of films have been striking for their visual splendor and meditative tones: Badlands, Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, The New World …

Though the movie opens for everyone May 27, audience members crushed at the entrance Monday morning, shoving and hollering to gain entrance to a film that has been eagerly anticipated at Cannes for two years. With passions so high to see it, the movie's debut mirrored the film's central conflict: a boy trying to live up to the high standards of his harsh father. Only in this case it was Cannes notoriously harsh community of critics and journalists.

As long-form reviews were being written there was push-back against the booing on Twitter. "Yes, some booed at Tree of Life's end, but a) far more clapped, b) wouldn't a monobloc of opinion be dull? And, of course, c) jerks abound," wrote MSN Movies' James Rocchi.

"The booing at the end of today's Tree of Life screening was an ugly, animalistic thing that may explain why Malick doesn't do press," added IndieWire's Eric Kohn.

And yes, the notoriously elusive Malick continued his long tradition of not speaking on behalf of his movies, and did not attend the press conference after the screening. His producer, Sarah Green, said he prefers to stay out of the spotlight because, "Mr. Malick is very shy and I would say I believe his work speaks for him."

Pitt had no problem speaking instead. "He tells this micro story of this family in a small town in Texas and juxtaposes it with the macro of the birth of the cosmos and cells splitting," he said. "I find that so extraordinary. There are parallel truths in that."

Pitt said repeatedly he could go on at length about the process Malick employed to make such an unusual film. There are few dialogue-driven scenes, and the child actors at the center of the tale were not permitted to see the script, Pitt said, instead being told roughly what to do or say. Pitt said Malick wanted everyone to follow their instincts.

"He's like a guy with a butterfly net waiting for the truth to go by," Pitt said.

"It was all about capturing the accident," Chastain added, citing a for-instance: "There's a section where a butterfly lands on my hand. It's not in the script, and we didn't put anything on my hand to make it land there."

"It's a leap of faith, but that's the point," Pitt said.

Malick rented the entire neighborhood where they shot, dressed it to resemble the 1950s period, and would have the family linger together on the street, playing on swings, or working in the yard, while the capture awaited special moments.

"Then he does what he calls torpedoing a scene," Pitt said. "The youngest child he called The Torpedo. On the first day, [Chastain and I] were having an argument, raising our voices, and we shot that take. Then suddenly he would send in Ty, as the Torpedo, and it changed the whole dynamic of the scene."

There was some joking about the absent director, whom Chastain said tended to steer the camera toward nearby woodpecker or something else in nature if it interrupted the scene. Instead of ruining the take, that tended to be the thing Malick would rather use.

Pitt said he had no problem with the director choosing not to speak about the movie publicly. "You know how you have a favorite song and then you hear the band describing your favorite lyrics, and then you're disappointed?" he asked the room of journalists, who responded with silence.

"No?" he said.

[From Entertainment Weekly]

Well, it sounds like some people really liked it and a few didn't. Meh. I have to admit something - I know all of the film snobs are like "Malick is a genius, he's misunderstood, YOU JUST DON'T GET HIM" but the description of the production sounds so… weak. Self-indulgent on the director's part. Masturbatory. You know what I appreciate? A well-written script. A director with the balls to make judgment calls in the heat of production. Someone who isn't so precious and self-indulgent that they can edit their film in less than a year.







Photos courtesy of WENN.

Jesse James: ‘I’m glad stuff happened, I don’t think Sandy and I were ever friends”

Posted: 16 May 2011 05:55 AM PDT

Jesse James was on Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday to promote his new sad sap memoir, American Outlaw. He was just as ridiculous, self-centered and insensitive as we’ve come to expect. I’ve read quite a bit of his memoir, and he never went into any detail whatsoever about all the easy women he wooed on MySpace to come give him some afternoon delight on the coffin couch in his office at the garage. He didn’t even mention any of them by name or give a number of the many strippers he was banging. He did however, recount in detail how a high school girlfriend cheated on him, how his dad hit him when he was somewhat responsible for burning the house down as a teenager (by storing fireworks in the garage) and how he was this big football hero who lost his chances at a scholarship by hanging with a bad crowd and getting busted for theft. James is a sixteen year old boy in an old saggy body, although I would guess that at least 50% of boys that age have more of a sense of personal responsibility than he does.


It was more of the same from James on Piers Morgan. While Piers bugs me by being such a kiss ass to celebrities he does get them to open up. James went on at length about how great Kat Von D is and how their relationship is so much better than what he had with Sandra. In fact he insinuated that Sandra was a ball breaker, that they were never really friends, and that he was glad that it all played out the way it did.

- “I wouldn’t go back and change things”
JAMES: I wouldn’t go back and change things, you know? I’m — in a way, I’m glad the stuff happens. I’m not happy that I hurt her, and hurt so many people around her, and my family and everybody else. You know, I would never want to put anybody through that again.

But I’m a firm believer that things happen in life to teach us a lesson, you know? And there’s obviously someone that thought, you know, I was a strong (EXPLETIVE DELETED) to put this kind of adversity on me, you know? And push me to my — you know, damn near to my breaking point.

- “it sucks to have these kind of problems that like millions of couples have”
SANDRA BULLOCK, ACTRESS: To my husband: there’s no– there’s no surprise that my work got better when I met you, because I never knew what it felt like for someone to have my back. So thank you.


MORGAN: Well, Jesse James, I mean, that’s painful to watch for me. And I hardly know Sandra. I met her once in my life. And I think everyone watching you feels for her every time they see it, because clearly she doesn’t know what’s coming. You didn’t know what was coming, but you knew what you were doing.

When you watch that, and it was her at the Golden Globes just before I saw you at the Oscars — what do you think watching that back now?

JAMES: Oh, it just makes me sad, you know? It’s sad that, you know, I — not for myself, but for her, you know? To put her through what I put her through, you know? So —

MORGAN: Yes, but I mean, do you hate yourself for doing that?

JAMES: I think I’ve forgiven myself for what I’ve done. You know?

MORGAN: Has she forgiven you?

JAMES: I think so. I think, you know, she’s in a place of forgiveness, you know. And, you know, it just — I mean, it sucks to have these kind of problems that like millions of couples have, and everyone has. But on such a like global level, you know? Because you know, everything played out. You know, it was like wild fire and it played out in the media in such a horrible way, you know?

Like — which, you know, seems kind of unfair to me at a point. But, you know, I stood up like a man and took it on the chin.

- On if Sandra forgives him
MORGAN: How do you know she’s forgiven you?

JAMES: Well, she told me before that she forgives me. So —

- On how he’s closer to Kat and she’s so much better than Sandra
MORGAN: Do you think [Sandra] understands you better than perhaps other people do?

JAMES: I think so. I think — well, I don’t know about other people. I mean, there’s probably people that I’m closer to now than I ever was to her, you know?

MORGAN: Your current partner?

JAMES: I think so.

MORGAN: That’s interesting. Why do you think that is?… Have you changed?

JAMES: I think so. I think I was willing to do the hard work, and take a look at the stuff I never wanted to look at, or the stuff I wanted to ignore. Like stuff that I talk about in the book. And you know, with Kat. That I have a partner that’s like, you know, we’re connected on a higher level….

And meeting someone like Kat will — not meeting her. I mean, we were friends for a long time, and like friends. And mutual respect, and it just — I think maybe that was the problem. I don’t think Sandy and I were ever really friends. You know, we were — went right into relationship, and then marriage. And then, you know, right into that, and never really friends. And you know, Kat and I seem to be connected on like such a higher level.

I mean, we have like such a deeper understanding of each other. And, you know, a outlook on the world, and — and stuff like that. And — and man, she’s a bad ass too. Like she’ll — you think I’m bad, and I’ll browbeat you. You should interview her. She’ll scare the hell out of you….

MORGAN: Do you believe you may have found true love?

JAMES: I think so. I’ve never felt the way I do, you know, for anyone the way I feel for [Kat]. I’ve never had that feeling. And I’ve never had someone like have my back 100 percent, you know? And stick by me when everyone turned their back. And she says, “[EXPLETIVE DELETED] it, I’m — you know, I’m your friend, and — and I — I stand by you. I don’t care what anybody says.” You know?

And I think that’s the definition of like what, you know, people that care about each other should be…

I think it’s something that’s like a conscious day to day, you know, thought process. And — and, you know, I think I’m vocal with, you know, Kat, that if I don’t get something that I’m needing or, some kind of affection or whatever, and vice versa — both of us are committed to work on our relationship together. And make sure we’re 100 percent what each of us want for each other.

And I — I’ve never had a partner that did that. You know, its always been, you know, either my way or the highway, or you know, something like that. And man, she’s like — you know, she’s committed to like being everything that I want her to be, and same here. You know, I — I love her like crazy. And it’s like — you know, people I think on their T.V. show, they only get to see a small, little portion of how great she is. But she’s — she’s amazing. She’s…

- On how publicly humiliating Sandra wasn’t a big deal
MORGAN: The — the finality of the picture that you’re painting suggests that Sandra — I mean, you — you may hope that she’s forgiven you. But certainly nothing in this suggests that she wants much to do with you.

It’s hard to imagine. When you watch the Golden Globes clip, when you look back at the Oscars, it was the greatest time of her career. And it was all kind of taken away, and she was exposed to pretty relentless humiliation. I mean, there’s not many things worse for a woman. And to do it all in the public glare — if you put yourself in her shoes…

JAMES: Well, I — I don’t think it’s any different than a normal housewife that gets cheated on that, you know, gets in the public glare of her three block radius. Because that’s what her life means. You know, I think it’s all in perspective.

You know, and — and — you know? I know I did bad stuff. So, you know, I’m fully accountable for that.



He’s “fully accountable” for hurting Sandra, and he says on one hand that he doesn’t want to hurt her anymore, but he’s still trying to do exactly that by talking about how amazing Kat is and how his new relationship is so much different. I just can’t wait to see this one implode.

It’s worth noting that James admits that he hasn’t spoken to Sandra in months, that she’s never let him see her adopted son Louis, and that she cut him off after she figured out what kind of loser she was married to. The more I hear this a**hole speak, the more respect I have for Sandra for handling her business so well. It hurts to get cheated on and it is humiliating, but there’s a huge difference between having to deal with some neighbors gossiping about it and having to read details from several different mistresses in the tabloids. The fact that James continues to minimize his actions and play the victim in this story just goes to show how he could have so spectacularly cheated in the first place.



Shania Twain: ‘another woman’s lust for a lifestyle upgrade devastated my family’

Posted: 16 May 2011 05:55 AM PDT

I thought Pippa Middleton was on the cover of People last week, but my aunt lent me her newsstand copy of the latest People and it had Shania Twain on it in with the title Finding Love After Betrayal. As we’ve heard before from Shania, she really blames the other woman for her husband cheating, when she should have just as much ire, if not more so, for the ass whose bullsh*t she dealt with for 15 years. The thing is, the other woman was Shania’s best friend, her only friend in Switzerland, where she felt lonely and isolated in her multi million dollar estate.

People’s interview with Shania confirms In Touch’s story that Shania has barred the other woman from seeing her son, despite the fact that she sees the other woman’s daughter all the time. (Since she married her ex husband’s mistress’ estranged husband.) People also has the detail that Shania’s new husband was the guy who broke it to her that their spouses were cheating on them. This is some Shakespearean shizz. I love what Shania writes about the mistress. It’s like she’s spitting it out with a sneer and giving her the evil eye at the same time.


She took a break [from her career] in 2004 and settled with Lange and their son Eja, now 9, in Switzerland - she she barely knew a soul - and “the isolation started to spiral,” she says. “I wasn’t expressing myself anymore.”

At the same time, she and Lange were growing apart. “It’s very hard to be honest with yourself when something’s just not working,” says Twain, who devoured self help books. “Mutt had already made up his mind on what was going to be done, but I was in the dark.”

In March 2008 Lange told her he wanted a divorce. The next day Theibaud broke the crushing news that he believed his wife, Marie-Anne - her best friend, to whom she had confided her marital problems - was having an affair with Lange… The double betrayal sent her into a tailspin…

[Twain writes] “Fred explained that his wife had spent some time with my husband in luxury spas in the area over the last months. Of course, I demanded proof, and outside of what he’d witnessed personally, he had the classic evidence in the form of phone bills, hotel information and receipts, and the memory of a garter belt and lingerie he saw packed in her luggage. She was meant to be going away for time ‘alone.’”

Twain reserves most of her ire for Marie-Anne; even now, she utters that name only once in the course of an interview. “I hated her,” she writes in the book. “I was disgusted that another woman’s lust for a lifestyle upgrade was worth the devastation of my family…”

In truth, the one time she did encounter the other woman, not long after the split, “I had a total panic attack,” she says. “I just told her that she was a bad person - that’s all I could get out! When I left her, I thought, ‘You’re such a wimp, you coward!’ That was my big moment, and I blew it!”

Today Twain has no interaction with Marie-Anne and won’t allow her to have any contact with Eja either. “I just have no desire,” she says. “In fact my desire is to avoid her!”

[From People Magazine, print edition, May 23, 2011]

Ok, I get it now. I get that it was her best friend, that the woman lied to her when she confided in her that she was worried about her husband acting strange, and that the friend was committing the ultimate act of betrayal behind her back. So, though, was her husband if not more so. If this stupid wench wasn’t around he would have found another one to cheat on Shania with, he was just looking for an excuse. Same goes for this Marie-Anne person and her relationship.


Shania is shown on 5/9/11. Credit:

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