Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Maria Shriver Speaks Out On Arnold's Love Child

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:50 AM PDT


Poor Maria Shriver.

This has been a rough couple of weeks for her and her family.

After it was announced this morning that Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted to fathering a child with one of his household staffers, Maria has released a statement on the matter:

"This is a painful and heartbreaking time. As a mother, my concern is for the children."

We can't even imagine what you're going through right now, Maria. But, we know that you will come out stronger than ever.

Time to focus on your own life, hon.

[Image via WENN.]

Santa Angelina Jolie Visits 'Wounded Warriors'

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:40 AM PDT

angelina jolie visits ramstein air base

Such a lovely gesture!

Check out the photos (above, and below) of Angelina Jolie visiting "wounded warriors" at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

Thanks for showing your support, Angie! We're sure your visit was MUCH appreciated!

Will Lindsay Show Up For An Interview This Friday?

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:30 AM PDT

Kyle Sandilands from Sydney radio show 2Day FM's Kyle & Jackie O Show claims that Lindsay Lohan has promised to give him an interview THIS Friday!

It's very rare for La Lohan to do interviews…. She's only done two of them in the past two years so this would be pretty epic!

Kyle says that while hanging out at the Chateau Marmont with Lindsay, the two got to talking and soon after, she agreed to come on the show!

Listen to Kyle talk about meeting with Lindsay (above).

Will she actually show up for the interview?? We'll just have to wait and see….

Napoleon Dynamite Animated Series Trailer!

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:20 AM PDT

If the world needs one thing, it's more Napoleon Dynamite — ha!

Check out the trailer for the all new upcoming Napoleon Dynamite animated series on Fox. It'll be interesting to see if they can recapture what made the movie such a hit in the first place, or to see if as an audience we've moved on from that and it just so happened to be a fluke.

The cool thing about it to us, though, is that they got the entire original cast back for it! Yeah, we suppose they weren't exactly the busiest people in the world, but it's great to see their support!

Who knows, maybe lightning can strike twice and this show will be HIGHlarious!

Let us know what U think of the trailer!

Epicness! Check Out The Trailer For Steven Spielberg's Terra Nova!

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:10 AM PDT


Last we heard about Fox's Steven Spielberg produced series Terra Nova, we were bummed to learn that it had been pushed back to the fall.

Now, a trailer for the show has been released (above), and it def looks like it could be worth the wait!

…We certainly hope it will be worth the wait, given this show's tremendous budget!

After watching this trailer, are U pumped for Terra Nova?

Everyone's Fighting Over Maria Shriver, Including Oprah!

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:50 AM PDT


If Maria Shriver is looking at getting back to television, she pretty much has a job from almost every TV network.

Now that she's not the First Lady of California anymore and has split from cheater husband Arnold Schwarzenegger, it seems that every TV boss is fighting over the chance to get Maria to join their network…even Oprah!

Yes, Mz. Winfrey met with Maria last week to try to convince her to become a talk show on her OWN network. In fact, she's even going to appear as a guest on Oprah's final show!

And not only that, but other TV syndicators are also vying for her attention to do a daily talk show. Sources say that talks of bringing Maria back to TV have started a few months ago, but with her recent split (and now with Arnold's admission to fathering the child of a household staffer), it seems that Maria is a hot commodity right now.

With Maria being in such high demand, she could pretty have much her pick of ANY job at the moment.

We vote for OWN! Oprah will most likely give you creative control and it'll be the perfect place for you to connect with women everywhere! Werk it, Maria! Show the world that you are so much more than the wife of a cheating husband!!

[Image via WENN.]

Matt Lauer Takes Some Digs At Christina Aguilera's Career During Today Show Interview!

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:40 AM PDT


We would NOT want to have to be around her after this! He really took some digs there!

Check out Christina Aguilera's interview with Matt Lauer on The Today Show regarding the singer's judging position on the reality competition The Voice, during which the TV anchor takes some pretty thinly veiled shots at her troubled career and personal drama (above)!

Yeesh! Gurl's got some SERIOUS awkward laughter around the 2:20 mark, no?!

Can't say we blame her! He's definitely a little harsh!

What do U think?? Was Matt purposely giving Xtina a tough time?

Quote Of The Day

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:30 AM PDT

Donald Trump Mr. Nice Guy QOTD

"I don't want to ruin my image by saying this, but I'm a much nicer person than people understand."

- Donald Trump to Rolling Stone

[Image via WENN.]

Sheen Borrowed $10 Million From WB!

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:20 AM PDT

Sheen Borrowed 10 Mil

That's an insane amount of money to need to borrow when you're already getting a cool $2 million an episode, if you ask us, but hey, he probably had his innocent reasons!

Reports of Charlie's contract for his final season are coming in that there was a little ditty about the WB having to pay Charlie $10 million dollars within 10 days of him signing.

It was also set up that a certain amount ($769,230.77) was going to be deducted from his paycheck for the first 13 episodes to pay it back. And the interest? Take it out of the 14th.

The company got it's money back, no problem, but what we're wondering is why he needed it in the first place! Seems kinda shady to us when you're making a ton of money to begin with — he HAD to have been blowing his money pretty quickly!

Now we're REALLY curious!

[Image via Ramey Pix.]

The Situation Is That The Situation Is Suing His Dad

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:10 AM PDT

Situation Suing Dad

Annnnd that's what we call an obvious next step in this debacle.

We're a little surprised that it didn't come sooner, though!

The Situation a.k.a. Mike Sorrentino is suing his dad for exploiting him and creating a website and content tailored to hurt and damage his "business reputation."

According to the suit filed Monday in federal court in Miami … Mike Sorrentino claims his pop, Frank Sorrentino, is illegally using his name and likeness all over his website, TheConfrontationSite.com.

He's asking the judge to put a stop to his dad and the use of his likeness and name on the website.

Oh, and it wouldn't be a lawsuit without wanting some money out of it too. He's looking for an unspecified amount of damages!

While we agree that Frank needs to cuts this shizz out, we also think that Mike needs to just ignore it and take the high ground instead of tying up the courts. We're not even sure how many people are even taking Frank seriously!

But if you feel like this situation (LOLz) requires it, Mike, then go for it. Your dad is being absurd and hurtful, that's for sure!

Good luck!

[Image via WENN.]

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