Monday, May 16, 2011



Snap This: Cthulhuachu, I Choose You!

Posted: 16 May 2011 11:19 AM PDT

Cthulhuachu used Elder God. It’s super effective! Also, he kind of wants to cuddle with you!

[Via Buzzfeed]

Post from: Crushable

Snap This: Cthulhuachu, I Choose You!

Sex on the Wire: Sexual Chemistry Truthbombs

Posted: 16 May 2011 11:10 AM PDT

• Understanding the five stages of relationships. Six if you’re Haley Joel Osment. (Betty Confidential)

• Here is a video that will tell you the truth about sexual chemistry. No Bunsen burners necessary. (YourTango)

• Real talk: how do menfolk feel about your bodyweight? (The Gloss)

• Nick Jonas has a girlfriend and she’s Australian! Something something down under. (Celebuzz)

• Rebecca Black says she’s not pregnant. Oh good god, we hope she’s telling the truth. (Celeb Dirty Laundry)

Post from: Crushable

Sex on the Wire: Sexual Chemistry Truthbombs

3 Facts About Corey Simms’ Maybe-Girlfriend Amber Scaggs

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:55 AM PDT

The news that Teen Mom 2‘s Corey Simms might have moved on following his divorce from Leah Messer drew a ton of comments and responses last week. According to Starcasm, the new lady in Corey’s life is Amber Scaggs. But what do we know about her?

1. She’s from West Virginia.

Corey and Leah live in West Virginia, so it makes sense that they’d stay local. Amber is also from West Virginia, but her family moved to Texas a few years ago. It sounds like she visits her hometown pretty regularly, though, which gives her plenty of opportunities to see Corey.

2. She’s a mom.

Remember when Gary Shirley moved on from Amber Portwood? He started dating another teen mom whom he’d met at Wal-Mart. Corey seems to have taken a similar approach – Amber and her former fiance have a daughter, Bralyn. If Amber and Corey get serious, the twins will have a playdate pretty close to their own age. And at least we know that Corey’s good with kids.

3. She has a Twitter account, but she rarely uses it.

As Starcasm points out, Amber rarely updated her Twitter account, but she was following quite a few of the Teen Moms (including Leah!). Does that mean she’s a Teen Mom superfan? Corey having groupies is weird, but stranger things have happened.

Post from: Crushable

3 Facts About Corey Simms’ Maybe-Girlfriend Amber Scaggs

The Daily WTF: Embarrassing Photo Sunglasses Are Embarrassing

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:36 AM PDT

So Urban Outfitters is selling glasses that look like the black bars one would Photoshop over the eyes of someone whose image they don’t have permission to use – i.e., someone doing something totally embarrassing. We’re worried that these glasses will only serve to encourage people to humiliate themselves in public with no concern for the consequences — you know, stuff like excessive drinking, loud fighting, trying to dougie. There’s only 12 bucks, though, so maybe worth keeping a pair on hand just in case.

(via BuzzFeed)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Embarrassing Photo Sunglasses Are Embarrassing

The 10 Crazy ‘Nip/Tuck’ Characters We Miss

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:45 AM PDT

Even though the Glee kids are all supposed to be high school archetypes — the diva, the beauty, the jock, the victim — in many ways they fall flat. Series creator Ryan Murphy‘s truly memorable characters came from Nip/Tuck, his surreal medical drama that arguably paved the way for FX to run more original series. And with the characters and plots turning grating and unintelligible, we’re even more nostalgic for the delightfully unhinged people who invaded the offices of McNamara/Troy. Some big names graced the show — AnnaLynne McCord, Famke Janssen, Rosie O’Donnell — in what might have been the best roles of their careers.

Post from: Crushable

The 10 Crazy ‘Nip/Tuck’ Characters We Miss

‘Bridesmaids’ Is Great, But ‘The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman’ Is Better

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:28 AM PDT

In Crabby's Fantasy World, Laura Kightlinger is as big a name in comedy as Judd Apatow. In the actual world, she's one of the most perpetually underused and underrated talents in the business. She is fucking hilarious, and you need to Netflix her right now.

You may have at least heard of The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman, her short-lived IFC show about which I am constantly evangelizing. In a setup she's said is based 85% on her life, Kightlinger plays Jackie, a magazine writer and aspiring screenwriter trying to keep it together in L.A. with the help of her dimwitted BFF Tara. The closest approximation is it's Absolutely Fabulous minus twenty years and transplanted to America. But maybe a little bit darker. You get a sense of how things are going to go down in the first season's opening credits, which feature Jackie and Tara shaking up a cocktail of vodka, beer, weed, coke, lube, birth control pills and prescription drugs. Then Tara passes out. And, scene.

I was planning to say this show is the anti-Sex and the City, but that's not exactly right. I actually like SATC, for what it is – but it just never goes quite far enough, you know? Any cutting observation that's made is usually tempered, at the episode's end, by common sense and friendship and bonhomie. Not so in Jackie Woodman, where Jackie's life often starts out shitty and ends up shittier, interspersed with a few moments of petty personal vengeance or fleeting awkward romance. (At the start of an inspired love montage, she meets her soul mate when they bump into each other and both their flasks fall onto the ground. In the morning, I might add. They then go on to realize her lifelong dream of shooting a stop-motion short film with live bugs.) Jackie's curmudgeonly asides, moderately-medicated depression, and existential ennui aren't simply a setup for some sunnier character to debunk. They're the heart of the show, which makes it a show dear to MY heart.

I recently listened to the episode of Marc Maron's "WTF" podcast in which he interviews Kightlinger and echoes my sentiments of WHY THE HELL AREN'T WE SEEING MORE OF YOU. "I'm a genius! I never work!" she agrees. Granted, this may be due to her own unapologetic sloth, a recurring theme on Jackie Woodman and one of the many reasons Crabby has a total girl crush on her.

So why doesn't the rest of the world get it? Perhaps it's all in the name. "'Laura Kightlinger' doesn't exactly roll off the tongue," my boyfriend pointed out. "Not like Tina Fey." Somewhat frustratingly, she's been linked with some of the most famous men in the biz: she dated Jack Black, and Jon Stewart back when he was still Jon Leibowitz; accordingly, you'll catch her in fleeting appearances on “Tenacious D" and early eps of The Daily Show. She's a good friend of Louis CK, who has put her in every project he's done up until his current FX show – about which she openly bitches on "WTF.” And then she and Maron get on the phone and call Louis, and it's weird and uncomfortable and kind of great. But why is it that she’s never ascended to the kind of widespread recognition these guys have gotten? Where's her fame, goddamnit? In a quote attributed to her that I can’t find the source of – but truly hope it’s for real – she says, “I want to be so famous that drag queens will dress like me in parades when I’m dead.”

Still, she’s not completely off the radar. As a matter of fact, she's got a new series on, satirizing Intervention-esque reality TV prohrams. Check out American Heroin(e) here, and see if that isn't dark enough for ya. Best misuse of Sophie’s Choice ever? I think so.

Post from: Crushable

‘Bridesmaids’ Is Great, But ‘The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman’ Is Better

Warmongering With ‘Game of Thrones’: The Wolf and the Lion Are Having Some Issues

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:07 AM PDT

So remember that whole thing where Game of Thrones cut way down on the blood and guts recently? Well, get ready, because it’s back with a vengeance. In the event that you like your television extra bloody, read on to find out whose got spilled this week!

Post from: Crushable

Warmongering With ‘Game of Thrones’: The Wolf and the Lion Are Having Some Issues

Poll: What Do You Think of Jennifer Love Hewitt Replacing Mariska Hargitay on ‘Law & Order: SVU’?

Posted: 16 May 2011 09:36 AM PDT

All things must pass, even Law and Order. The once-bulletproof franchise saw the cancellation of the original Law and Order and the banishment/eventual cancellation of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Although Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has been the biggest hit of the franchise, that doesn’t make it immune to change. Longtime star Mariska Hargitay, who won an Emmy for her work as Det. Olivia Benson, is reportedly leaving the show after next season. The show will deal with her departure by bringing in a new female detective whom Olivia will train/mentor during next season, leaving her to take over when Olivia says goodbye. And who might that new detective be? The Hollywood Reporter says it’ll be Jennifer Love Hewitt, who needs something to do now that The Ghost Whisperer is off the air. But can she truly carry the show? I have my doubts. As much as the writing for Olivia bugs me – she’s been turned into a saint who knows all and can do no wrong – Mariska is a good enough actor to pull the role off without being too cloying. But if Jennifer gets handed the same material, I think it’ll come across as overly winsome. She just isn’t tough enough to convincingly play a police officer. Will she crack cases by reading Us Weekly?

Will you keep watching the show if Mariska leaves? I will, provided Munch and Fin still get scenes.

Post from: Crushable

Poll: What Do You Think of Jennifer Love Hewitt Replacing Mariska Hargitay on ‘Law & Order: SVU’?

Snap This: Miranda Cosgrove Turns 18

Posted: 16 May 2011 09:23 AM PDT

iCarly star Miranda Cosgrove celebrated her 18th birthday at a St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital benefit in Memphis. There was an Elvis impersonator in attendance, so best birthday ever? We’re going with a resounding “yes, thank you very much.

(via Celebuzz)

Post from: Crushable

Snap This: Miranda Cosgrove Turns 18

Virgin Viewing: ‘Top Gun’

Posted: 16 May 2011 08:55 AM PDT

Friday the 13th was Top Gun Day! Not only did I find out about this esteemed holiday too late, I also had never seen this iconic movie. Whenever there’s a movie on this list I haven’t gotten around to seeing, my reason is normally something like “I know who dies” or “I’ve already seen the Simpsons parody episode.” That was true of Top Gun. But the other thing keeping me from watching the movie was its star. Is it possible to watch a movie like Top Gun – which largely hinges on Tom Cruise‘s charm – and not think about couch-jumping and Scientology? The answer, for me at least, was no.

Though I completely understand why Tom Cruise was a huge heartthrob in the ’80s and ’90s (gratuitous tightie-whitie scenes much?), being a present-day jaded viewer I couldn’t see past the actor long enough to look at the character. Granted, there’s not much of a character to see, since everyone is drawn with about as much depth as Snooki‘s kiddie pool, but I just saw Scientology recruitment videos on repeat every time Tom uttered a line. And I also cracked up during his sex scene with Kelly McGillis, especially since I know she’s a lesbian now. There has to be some reason they were doing that awful unsexy open-mouthed-eating-each-others’-jaws-off kissing, that’s for sure. For several reasons, I didn’t enjoy the relationship between Tom’s character (Maverick, as everyone in America except me was well aware) and Kelly’s character, Charlie. As I admitted, part of it is my own prejudice knowing how Tom ended up two decades after this film was made. And part of it was that you’re supposed to buy that two people are deeply in love after spending a grand total of a few hours together. It is a movie, after all, and you have to take certain leaps of faith. But Tom and Kelly had so little chemistry together that I found myself counting the minutes until she got off the screen and we could go back to flight school, where at least some interesting things were happening and some other characters got lines.

But there were many, many redeeming factors in this movie, chief among them being Tom Skerritt. I’ve loved that man in everything from Steel Magnolias to A River Runs Through It, and he classes up anything he’s in. Val Kilmer also managed to give Iceman way more layers than I thought he had, considering all I knew about the character before seeing the movie was that famous jaw-clenching move. And, to be honest, once I started imagining this film as one where Anthony Edwards was the tragic hero/main character, I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more. I think this has to do with the fact that the sympathetic sidekicks of literature are some of my favorite characters – I’ve always preferred Horatio to Hamlet and Benvolio to Romeo. In this case, though, poor Horatio/Benvolio didn’t pull through, and I was much less interested in the movie (and in Tom Cruise’s whiny posturing) after he left. It was fun seeing Meg Ryan before she did all that shit to her lips, though. And if IMDB hadn’t tipped me off, I never would have known that Merlin – the guy who gets in the plane with Maverick in the penultimate scene of the movie and never seems to take his helmet off – was actually Tim Robbins.

[Oh, and for the record, I used the name generator, and mine's "Skate." As any Lost fan could tell you, that's the name for the Sawyer/Kate pairing, and I'm team Sawyer/Juliet all the way. So I'm going to have to veto that suggestion. Time to find a better call sign.]

Post from: Crushable

Virgin Viewing: ‘Top Gun’

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