Friday, June 3, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Judge Judy Goes Out In Public Like A Normal Person

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 05:30 PM PDT

Whoa … did you know that Judge Judith Sheindlin, better known to the world as Judge Judy, had a life outside of her television courtroom? It’s true … Judy and her husband Jerry Sheindlin actually live pretty normal lives when she is not bizzy doling out harsh justice on her syndicated courtroom TV show Judge Judy. In fact, the couple were spotted walking hand in hand in NYC this week … lookin’ like any other couple out for a walk.

I don’t know why but I am TOTALLY fascinated by these photos of Judy out in public. I mean, I realize she doesn’t live in that courtroom but seeing her out and about … sans robe … it’s weird. Judy and Jerry look happy tho (and why not, the woman is rolling in millions over the popularity of her TV show). I guess it’s nice to see the couple out and about like … well … normal people.

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin]

Britney Spears Hits The Gym, Trains For Her Tour

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 04:30 PM PDT

Britney Spears has been pretty MIA for the past few weeks but only because she has been working night and day on rehearsals for her upcoming Femme Fatale World Tour. Earlier today we got our first look at the stage layout for the tour and right now we get to see new photos of Britney out and about as she made her exit from the gym this week.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen photos of Britney just out int eh world doing stuff … but because she’s been working hard behind the scenes rehearsing for her tour, I’m OK without the daily Brit sightings. I know for a fact that her tour is going to be AMAZING! It will be all anyone can talk about … and I can’t wait to see it!! Keep up the hard work, Britters ;D

[Photo credit: X17]

Prince William Is A Winner At Polo

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 03:30 PM PDT

The newly married Prince William got back up on the horse, as it were, to participate in a charity polo match … which he won … even tho his new wife, Kate the Duchess of Cambridge, was not there to cheer him on. Tsk Tsk. Nonetheless, Prince Wills excelled in the match, leading his team to sweet victory. Check out below some photos of the young prince doing this thing on horseback.

The Duke of Cambridge left new wife Catherine at home to attend a polo match yesterday. Prince William, back from his honeymoon in the Seychelles, showed off his skills as he went on to win the Audi Challenge at Chester Race Course. He was joined by celebrities including singer Duffy and Lemar, who he chatted to after the exclusive event. The race was under the radar until racegoers commented on celebrity appearances on social networking sites, leading paparazzi to rush over. The Umbugo team won 8-51/2, raising funds for Mountain Rescue England and Wales, English Schools' Swimming Association and SkillForce, an education charity. Making the presentation, Jeremy Hicks of Audi UK referred to William and Catherine as ‘the best known bride and groom in the world’ … Next week the couple will attend the Absolute Return For Kids gala dinner in London.

Aww … it’s nice to see that Prince William is keeping up with his sporting hobbies despite the fact that he is now a married ol’ man. We’ve seen many photos of Wills playing polo over the years and oftentimes, Kate is there to cheer him on … alas, she was much too bizzy to attend this week’s match. Ah well, what’s a young duchess to do? As much as I love seeing photos of Wills playing polo … I’m anxious for new photos of Prince Harry (in those fun tighty whitey pants) playing polo as well :)

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin; Source]

The 3 ‘Hunger Games’ Books Will Be Turned Into 4 Films

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 02:30 PM PDT

Taking a page from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Parts 1 & 2 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Parts 1 & 2, Lionsgate Films has announced that the Hunger Games book trilogy is going to be adapted into 4 films … meaning the third book, Mockingjay, will likely be broken up into two films … Parts 1 & 2. The first film has only just gone into production but executives at Lionsgate want investors to know that they are going to do everything they can to make as much money from the franchise as possible.

Lionsgate executives told Wall Street analysts this morning to expect big things from The Hunger Games, a series of four action films that the studio will release from the trilogy written by Suzanne Collins. COO Joe Drake said it was “the highest-selling film we’ve ever had” at the Cannes Film Festival and that overseas exhibitors consider it “the movie that can change their company.” Although Lionsgate wouldn’t disclose its budget for the films, Drake says Hunger Games could become an “outsized success” for Lionsgate. The studio says it bought the rights before the books became runaway bestsellers, and it has “retained the majority of the upside” in its talent and distribution deals.

I am not quite sure how to feel about this. Clearly, it’s becoming a trend to break books into 2 films — particularly where a trilogy or book series is concerned — and I suppose it’s a good trend. If a book is turned into 2 films, more of the meat of the original source material can be featured in the films. Where Mockingjay is concerned, there is a lot of action going on that could be spread over 2 films. I guess on the downside, it kinda feels like a cheap ploy to exploit a book series for more financial gain. We’ll have to see how all of this turns out. I didn’t mind that The Deathly Hallows got broken into 2 films because, in the end, Parts 1 & 2 will fell like two totally different films. I find it gross that Breaking Dawn is being broken into 2 films because the original book is so flimsy that it doesn’t really warrant the need for 2 films. What do y’all think? Are you excited about plans for the 3 Hunger Games books to be turned into 4 films?


Watch: Paris Hilton Gets Scolded On ‘The View’

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 01:30 PM PDT

This week, Paris Hilton and her mother Kathy made an appearance on The View to promote her new WE TV reality TV series The World According to Paris which, according to Paris, is meant to show the world the “real” her. Right off the bat, both Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters grilled Paris about her decision to return to the frivolity of reality TV despite Paris‘s claims that she is a changed and mature woman. It’s actually quite funny to watch so … check out the video below.

Click HERE to watch the video if the above embed does not work for you. I love this video so much because, yes, it’s total bullshizz for Paris Hilton to go on all these talk shows and talk about how she’s changed, how she’s not the same person she used to be … while promoting a TV show that shows that she hasn’t changed and still appears to be the same frivolous person. Earlier this week, Paris basically cried on Piers Morgan Tonight about how that sex tape One Night in Paris ruined her life … and in the premiere ep of her new show, there she is … sittin’ nekkid in her bathtub:

This sad, boneheaded girl is a hypocritical contradiction. It’s sad … she hasn’t grown up at all and no matter how much she tries to explain that she’s a changed person, well, actions speak louder than words. There aren’t many things about The View that I can stomach … but I do applaud them for taking Paris Hilton to task and exposing the bullshizz she’s trying to peddle in order to get people to watch her new TV show.

[Source, Source]

Rock Of Ages

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 01:04 PM PDT

Last night David and I got to hang out with our friend Emma and all we basically did was eat and talk and eat and talk … and watch TV. Then we snacked. Yeah, it was a pretty rad night. Because Emma is heading off on an Australian adventure a couple of weeks, we wanted to get in as much hang out time with her while we still can. All in all, not a bad way to spend a Wednesday night.

We made our way to Hugo’s for dinner and got talked into trying their Avocado ice cream with Chipotle sauce dessert. Let me tell you … it was grody to the max. The avocado ice cream wasn’t bad but the Chipotle sauce? Ew! It was like eating ice cream with BBQ sauce. Trust me, don’t try it :( Except for the dessert misfire, the rest of our night was really fun.

But tonight, oh man, tonight is going to be awesome. I’m going to see the 80′s hair/metal band Cinderella at the House of Blues:

Now, I was never a big metal head but I do remember and appreciate the awesome hairband videos of the late 80′s and early 90′s … when I was too young to attend these kinds of concerts. I’ve always wanted to go to a show like this so … I guess tonight is my chance. My friend Jen is going to the show as well so, yeah, it should be fun. I’ll be sure to share some photos from the bitchin’ Cinderella show tomorrow.

Happy Thursday!

Les News, 060211

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 11:58 AM PDT

First Look: ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ Releases An International Movie Poster

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 11:30 AM PDT

First we got to see the leaked red band trailer for the US version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which was followed by the green band trailer a few days later. Today we get to check out the international poster for the film which is due out in theaters this coming December. The poster features lead actors Rooney Mara (who plays Lisbeth Salander) and Daniel Craig (who plays Mikael Blomkvist) and is accompanied by a NSFW banner image that features a bit of pierced nipple. Check out the just-released poster and banner below.

It’s kinda funny how the first posters for the US version of the film have been released internationally before they have been released domestically. Tho, the Swedish films have been big hits in the International market … perhaps the movie studio is counting on the same International support for this US version of the films as well. Here is the NSFW banner poster:

You have to look hard but Lisbeth‘s pierced nipple is visible in this banner poster. My guess is that the film will be promoted aggressively both here and abroad … with the riskier campaigns taking place in Europe and the safer, toned down campaigns reserved for the US market. Even tho the campaigns will be safer, I fully expect the film itself to be as gritty and hardcore as it needs to be to do justice to the original books. Let the Dragon Tattoo promo materials keep on coming … I am loving all of this.

[Source, Source]

Here Come ‘The Real Housewives Of Vancouver’

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 10:58 AM PDT

A new report out this week claims that the next installment of The Real Housewives TV show franchise will be filmed for the first time in a Canadian city. According to The Province, the Slice network has announced that they will be filming The Real Housewives of Vancouver set to air later this year. It is uncertain if this new installment of the franchise will air here in the US but considering Vancouver’s proximity to the US, I would certainly hope we get the option to watch.

The camera is about to be turned on Vancouver society as the Slice network will be delivering to TV The Real Housewives of Vancouver sometime in the next year. It was announced in Toronto yesterday at the Shaw Media's Upfronts (where TV schedule is presented to advertisers) that a Vancouver edition of the reality TV franchise had been green lit. The fluffy franchise that focuses on mostly rich women who live lives full of private jets, private parties and private information made public began on Bravo in 2006 with the Real Housewives of Orange County. From that batch of blonde bombshells, who are still on the air, it has grown to an international hit with six other stops across the U.S. as well as shows in Greece and Israel … Slice has released no names and, at press time, representatives from the network had not returned calls … One thing is for sure though whoever does agree to be part of this show will have to have some pretty thick skin.

I had no idea that there are Real Housewives shows in Israel and Greece. I mean, it makes sense why the US wouldn’t get to see those shows … but Vancouver is so close, I hope we do get to see this show. I also hope the Vancouver Housewives know how to bring the drama because I’d hate for anyone to be subjected to another horrible season of the show … like we did with The Real Housewives of DC (which, merifully, was canceled after only one season). Ick! A show about Vancouver Housewives has a lot of potential … I guess we’ll have to see what will come from this initial news. What do you Canucks think? Are you excited for a RHOV series?

[Source via Source]

Beyoncé Does ‘Essence’ Magazine . . . Again

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 10:25 AM PDT

Popstar Beyoncé, who is readying the release of her fourth album 4, is featured on the cover of the new issue of Essence magazine. In the self-penned coverstory titled Eat, Play, Love, Beyoncé shares with the Essence readers what her year off from work was like. Apparently, she truly took the entire year off to just relax and enjoy her fabulously extravagant life. Who know? Click below to see Bey‘s Essence coverphoto and read a short excerpt from her coverstory.

“I had talked about taking a vacation before, but always ended up in the studio after two weeks, so no one believed me. This time, though, I was serious. I was going to give myself a year to do the things I never get to do. Simple things like play with my nephew, pick him up from school, visit museums, go to concerts, see some Broadway shows, learn to cook a meal and spend time with my husband… Yes, I needed some relaxation, but I wanted inspiration too, from regular everyday things. They did not have to be over-the-top productions. I was looking for tiny moments that would speak to my heart and make me smile…”

Hmmm .. I guess it turns out that Beyoncé only took off 9 months from her work schedule but still … that’s a nice long, overdue vacation if you as me. I have to admit … I’m terribly curious to read this Essence article. I love it when celebs write their own magazine pieces … for better or worse, you get a pretty good feel for what kind of person they are. I doubt that Bey will reveal too many intimate details about her private life but still … this sounds like it’s worth a read. Plus, Miss B looks amazing on this cover. I’m gonna hafta pick up this issue of Essence for sure.


First Look: The Britney Spears ‘Femme Fatale’ Tour Stage Layout Is Revealed

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 10:01 AM PDT

Hot on the heels of news that Britney Spears will be taking her Femme Fatale Tour to Europe this Summer comes our first look at the seating chart/stage layout for Britney‘s new concert tour. The MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV posted a detailed seating chart for the show that gives us our first look at what Britney‘s elaborate stage will look like. Click below to see the chart and read what Britney has to say about her upcoming Femme Fatale Tour.

As you can see, there will be a big main stage with a lot of stuff going on as well as a catwalk/walkway with a conveyor belt that leads to the B Stage in the center (complete with a “turntable”) — click the photo above to see a larger size. This stage looks really huge … I mean, damn, this show is going to rule. Britney just started rehearsals on this new stage and she tweeted that the show will be the “best” of her career:

Britney will kick off her tour here in California in just a couple off weeks and I will get to see her in LA and then Anaheim in just 3 weeks. I am going to really REALLY try and not be spoiled with actual photos of the show before I see it but I doubt I’ll be very successful. I hear there is a setlist floating around for the show … which I refuse to see so that I can keep some of the show a surprise. This tour is going to rule … I can just FEEL IT. Wee!!

[Source, Source via Source]

Disney Is Re-Releasing ‘The Lion King’ In 3D

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 09:15 AM PDT

The Walt Disney Company is planning to cash in on the 3D film craze by pulling one of its more recent classic films from the Disney vault and re-releasing it in theaters. The Lion King, one of the more beloved Disney films of the 1990s, has been turned into a 3D film and it will show in theaters for 2 weeks this September. After this brief theater run is finished, the 3D version of The Lion King will be released on DVD and Blue Ray. Read one for all the deets.

Walt Disney Studios announced that its 1994 Oscar- and Golden Globe-winning animated classic "The Lion King" would be returning to theaters Sept. 16 in a new Disney Digital 3-D edition. After the two-week theatrical engagement, Simba, Mufasa, Nala, Timon and the gang will make its 3-D and 2-D Blu-ray debut on Oct. 15. "The Lion King" has been a major cash cow for Disney. Disney is reporting that the movie — which features Hans Zimmer's Oscar-winning score and Elton John and Tim Rice's Academy Award-winning "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" – is the bestselling home entertainment release of all time. Not only that, it also roared its way to a worldwide box-office tally of $783.9 million. The film spawned two made-for-video-sequels, "The Lion King 1 1/2" and "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride" (which will also be making their Blu-ray debuts). And the Broadway theatrical production opened on the Great White Way on Nov. 13, 1997, winning six Tony Awards including best musical. It's still going strong, having played more than 5, 600 performances. Two years later, it opened in London, where it also is still drawing crowds.

HMMM … for me this is good news/bad news. On the positive side, it’s been a very long time since we’ve been able to see The Lion King in theaters. Not since the film enjoyed a limited run back in 2002 in IMAX theaters has The Lion King been made available in movie theaters (not since the film’s initial release in 1994. I missed it back in 2002, so I haven’t seen the film in a theater since 1994. The bad news, obvs, is that we have to see the film in 3D. Now, I’m a big fan of 3D movies … but I am not a big fan of 3D movies that have the 3D added in post-production. That said, animated films do look better with post-production 3D than do live action films so … I’m torn. To be honest, tho, I think I’m way more excited that the film is being re-released in theaters than I am concerned that the 3D will be terrible. Disney knows what its doing … at this point, I’m gonna trust that The Lion King in 3D is going to be awesome. What do y’all think? Are you excited by this news? Are you planning on seeing The Lion King in 3D when it gets re-released in theaters this September?


‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 2′ Releases A Bellatrix LeStrange Poster

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 08:43 AM PDT

A new character poster for the upcoming final Harry Potter film The Deathly Hallows – Part 2 has been released and as expected, Lord Voldemort‘s most loyal and faithful servant is the featured star. Bellatrix LeStrange, the only character in the entire Harry Potter universe as evil and diabolical as Voldemort himself, is featured in this newest poster … looking as deliciously sinister as ever. Check it out below.

Without question, Bellatrix is the most evil female character in the world of Harry Potter. Because she tends to be a bit insane, she might even be more evil than Voldemort himself at times. Her ability to do anything — unfettered by reason or thought — makes her completely dangerous and totally unpredictable. She has always been one of my favorite HP characters. That being said, I can’t tell you how much I squealed with satisfaction when Bellatrix went head to head with Mother Weasley. Oh man, I can’t wait to see that scene played out on the big screen. We are just about a month and a half away from the end of Harry Potter … and the character posters just keep on coming.


Justin Bieber Takes Selena Gomez To Canada To Meet His Family

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 07:59 AM PDT

And the torrid love affair between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez continues to play out in front of the cameras … yesterday, we saw a humorous personal photo of Bieber giving Selena a cozy foot rub that was posted on Twitter and today we get to see more photos of the young lovebirds in action. Last week the couple were vacationing in Hawaii, this week they have made their way to Justin‘s homeland. The Biebs and Gomez traveled to Canada for the Memorial Day weekend … and so that JB could introduce his new girlfriend to his family! Moving a bit fast, wouldn’t you say?

They may be teenagers, but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s romance is quickly getting serious. The 17-year-old teen heartthrob took his Disney star girlfriend, 18, back to his hometown in Canada to meet his loved ones. And it didn’t take long before Justin was showing off in front of his pretty other half, as he engaged some friends in a game of street basketball. Bieber put his sporting prowess to the test as he and his pals went to shoot some hoops as Selena watched on. Earlier the couple were seen enjoying lunch at the Swiss Chalet in Toronto for lunch with friends and family followed by ice cream. Also this week, they joined Justin’s half-siblings, Jazmyn and Jaxon, and his father, Jeremy, for a Memorial Day picnic. Their trip to Canada comes just a week after the pair enjoyed a romantic – and very grown up – holiday in Hawaii. They were seen cavorting around the beach together and put on a very passionate display as they frolicked in the sea.

In these new photos, a star tattoo is visible on Bieber‘s elbow … which, if real, would be his 3rd tattoo overall:

You may recall that last week we got our first look at JB‘s new Jesus tattoo and a while back he got a bird tattoo. To be honest, I’m not totally convinced that this star tattoo is real … it looks more like marker than tattoo ink but, well, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if not only this tattoo turns out to be real but it becomes one of many new tattoos. Bieber is sure growing up quickly before our eyes, wouldn’t you say?

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

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