Wednesday, September 16, 2009

U2 Concert at Rogers Centre

Wow, I guess when you pay $45 to see U2 in concert you get to sit very close to the rooftop! Well, you know when they sell binoculars on the level you sit at that it's a sign! Haha. Oh well, the concert was great though. I have to be honest and say that I could do without all the political messages thrown in between the songs, but that's to be expected from U2.

The opening act, Snow Patrol was pretty good too. For some odd reason I thought they were from Toronto - darn, they're from Ireland though. Of course, all the good lighting and video footage was done much better when U2 got on stage. I don't know why they didn't bother to do better lighting and video for Snow Patrol.

The rooftop of the Rogers Centre was half open so I had a nice view of the sky, condos and the lovely CN tower =) Here are a couple of pictures from my iPhone (what crap!) which really didn't do the view any justice:

You can see the opening of the rooftop here:

This was the stage. It was open (no walls surrounding the stage) which is really nice so there's no obstructed views:

Snow Patrol was done by 8 pm (their performance started at 7 pm). And by the time U2 came on just before 9 pm, it was dark:

Wow, looks like the stage blew up here! LOL

Pretty red:

It was really pretty towards the end of the concert when this disco ball lighting came on:

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