Cele|bitchy |
- Weston Cage flies into a physical rage, hospitalized for mental evaluation
- Jennifer Love Hewitt is scientifically “the worst actress” in Hollywood
- Kim Kardashian effectively kills this horrendous purple-orange trend
- Ginger Love: Adele wants to have a “night out” with Prince Harry
- Nicole Kidman makes a “creepy” YouTube video to thank her fans
- Today Show says goodbye to Meredith Vieira with an insane amount of clips & tributes
- Cate Blanchett wears a baggy suit in Sydney: Hillary Clinton-esque?
- Maria Shriver could get $100 million in her divorce
- Jennifer Connelly & Paul Bettany welcome baby girl Agnes Lark
- Dakota Fanning graduates from high school, enrolls in college for fall
Weston Cage flies into a physical rage, hospitalized for mental evaluation Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:56 AM PDT It certainly feels like we’re not getting enough insanity from celebrities lately, but (fortunately?) Nicolas Cage’s goth rockin’ son Weston has stepped up to the plate with a full helping of crazy. People provided the initial report that Weston entered into an altercation yesterday afternoon with “an unidentified person” that resulted in minor injuries and his subsequent hospitalization at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Then, TMZ stepped up to fill in some of the blanks, including the identity of the other party. Apparently, Weston was enjoying a late lunch with his physical trainer, who made the grave mistake of advising his client not to eat something on a restaurant menu. Naturally, the frustrated (and probably drugged up) young man proceeded to go all kung fu, which has resulted not only in his hospitalization but also a full mental evaluation and probable 5150:
[From TMZ] Okay, I really shouldn’t say this, but that trainer wasn’t Tracy Anderson, right? Not that anyone deserves to be pushed and kicked for any reason at all, but her diet restrictions could send a normal person right off the edge in a ketosis-induced rage. However, it truly sounds like Weston might be under the influence of drugs or has just succombed to the Cage-brand of insanity. Now and just as a cursory example of how Weston doesn’t fall too far from the crazy tree, let’s refresh our memories of just how much batsh*t crazy his father can summon on demand in this (very NSFW) video reel of Nicolas losing his sh*t for four full minutes. And I don’t believe for a moment that those performances are bred from pure talent either, for Nicolas himself is a famously drunk dumbass who recently dropped his own kid while he was totally hammered. So yeah, no question of paternity here, for Weston is totally his father’s son. Photos courtesy of WENN |
Jennifer Love Hewitt is scientifically “the worst actress” in Hollywood Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:54 AM PDT Slate has a lengthy article about Rotten Tomatoes and what RT's ratings/critical assessments mean in the larger sense. There's lots of math and an epic explanation, which I'm going to try to summarize without having to excerpt large chunks. Basically, you guys know what Rotten Tomatoes is all about - go here to see RT's site. You can read every major (and many minor) critical opinion of every film. Plus, RT "scores" films - anything above 70% is considered good or a "fresh" tomato. Anyway, Slate did an extensive search with RT, trying to figure out who were the best and worst actors, directors, etc, using RT's cold, hard, brutal, raw critical data. The answers may surprise you. According to the math, Jennifer Love Hewitt is the "worst" actress since… I'm not sure. Since 1985, I guess. JLH is the "worst" of the modern actresses, I guess. The worst actor honors went to Chuck Norris. OMG, Chuck and Love should make a movie!!! Here's an excerpt from the Slate piece:
[From Slate] Yeah… I understand the technical, scientific reason for crowning Jennifer Love and Chuck Norris as the critical WORST, but it still feels like we're missing some big names who really should have been named the worst. There are lots of highly-regarded actors who have made bomb after bomb after bomb. There are lots of famous actors who can't actually act. Basically, I just feel like Jennifer Love is being picked on because of her Pear-Ass. Granted, she's no Meryl Streep. But she has her place, damn it! And that place is "television". |
Kim Kardashian effectively kills this horrendous purple-orange trend Posted: 08 Jun 2011 08:48 AM PDT Seriously: what is up with the orange-purple combinations lately? The only answer I can come up with is some kind of fashion-industry hive-mind, because it's literally impossible to me that designers around the world saw photos of Cheryl Cole in her tragic purple, orange and turquoise ensemble and thought "I should do that!" Is the fashion industry punking us? Ugh. Anyway, as you can see, once Kim Kardashian adopts a trend, that trend is pretty much dead. Kim is wearing "the new thing" - a Gucci ensemble in purple and orange. Just like Cheryl Cole: And just like Jessica Alba: WTF? I don't get this. To me, this color combination is cartoonish, not chic. It's Tim Burton's Joker, not Christopher Nolan's Joker. It's just unflattering. Of course, Kim's ensemble is especially bad. She should not wear belly shirts. Her Size 4 is spilling out. By the way, did you hear that Kim is definitely going to get a pre-nup? According to Us Weekly/Hollywood Life, "Her mom, Kris Jenner, drew up the contracts…Kim's Beverly Hills home and all of her assets are protected. Additionally, she keeps anything she earns during the marriage." Apparently, Kim has a lot more in the way of assets than Kris Humphries. She's worth $65 million, and she's pulling in $12 million a year. I've read that Kris only makes, like, $3 million a year. "Only." I know. |
Ginger Love: Adele wants to have a “night out” with Prince Harry Posted: 08 Jun 2011 08:09 AM PDT One of my favorite people in the world, Adele, is in ginger love with my favorite prince. I love that one ginger wants to get in another ginger's pants. This is all according to a new interview with Adele, where she claims that even though she "wouldn't go out with a ginger," she totally wants to date Prince Harry. GINGER BOMB.
[From OMG Music] I've mentioned before how much I love Adele's brassy, hilarious and heartbreaking interviews. I think she's still really hung up on her ex, the one who inspired her album. But she should get out there and date. And I think Prince Harry would be up for it too. At least for one night, right? His "type" is blonde, but I could see him "getting" why Adele is awesome. THIS MUST HAPPEN. By the way, Adele just recently cancelled/postponed several stops on her North American tour due to laryngitis. Time to stop smoking, Adele! (Thanks to MisslePanda who tweeted me this story!) Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN. |
Nicole Kidman makes a “creepy” YouTube video to thank her fans Posted: 08 Jun 2011 07:39 AM PDT For the record, I'm not the one calling this video "creepy". Salon did that, in a piece where they claim Nicole is recording from "Jigsaw’s dungeon on the set of Hemingway & Gellhorn.” LOL. I don't think it's creepy as much as it is… odd, maybe? I like the idea of Nicole Kidman loosening up and making a YouTube video for her fans. I would like it more if the camera wasn't hand-held and the sound quality was better. But I love that Nicole barely talks above a whisper (it's her thing) and that someone smeared age-defying Vaseline over the lens. What's up with the lighting? Oh, Nicole. This feels like something Mariah Carey would do. All of it, from speaking barely above a girlish whisper to smearing Vaseline over the lens to wearing a full face of makeup and an in-character wig for an informal YouTube video. It's great. I disagree with Lainey that Nicole's face looks harsh - I'm not really seeing these alleged fillers, but her jacked lips are… the same as they have been. I honestly believe that Nicole is trying to ease up on the Botox (her face has more mobile lately), but the lip injections are a big problem. The odd, creepy lighting is making them gleam like two shiny worms stapled to her face. In the end, all I really want to know is: WHERE IS CLIVE OWEN?!? He's making this Hemingway and Gelhorn movie with Nicole. He needs to make a YouTube video. "For the [masturbatory] fans." |
Today Show says goodbye to Meredith Vieira with an insane amount of clips & tributes Posted: 08 Jun 2011 07:23 AM PDT
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy This morning was Meredith Vieira’s last day on The Today Show after five years as co-anchor. Meredith, 57, announced in May that she would be leaving “in a few weeks” in order to spend more time with her family. Meredith’s husband of 25 years, TV journalist Richard M. Cohen, has multiple sclerosis and she wants to spend more time with him. The couple has three grown children, the youngest of which is 18, and want to travel and relax together. Before the announcement that she would leave her post, Meredith said that it was a possibility and “that she would look forward to not working, to traveling with Richard and carving out time for us.” Ann Curry will step in to Meredith’s place as co-anchor beside Matt Lauer. It’s clear that Meredith will be missed on the show. They aired an incredibly long tribute to her and brought in Carole King to sing “You’ve Got a Friend.” At the end, everyone in the studio wore bright orange shirts declaring their love for Meredith as they brought her around the studio and lip synced “Don’t Stop Believing.” (Kathie Lee and Hoda’s T-Shirts said “Wine lovers [heart] Meredith”!) They dragged it out a very long time and it reached ridiculous levels at the end. They ran around the streets of New York and Jimmy Fallon played air guitar while a huge procession of people in those t-shirts clapped and did a coordinated dance for her. The video where they say goodbye to Meredith is above, but it leaves out the most impressive section, when they were all dancing and singing for her. It was all really touching. My favorite part was when Meredith said that she’ll always remember the Virginia Tech students asking her for hugs after the tragic shooting there in 2007. I couldn’t help but cry at that. There was plenty of tears, hugs and kisses for Meredith today. My mom retired early at 55, and she keeps busy with part time work and plenty of clubs and activities. She’s got a busier schedule than I do, but she loves that her timetable is flexible now, and that she doesn’t have to get up at the same time and go to the same place every day. Meredith will continue her hosting duties on “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire,” but that’s not an everyday commitment like The Today Show and will afford her more time with her family. Good luck to Meredith in her future endeavors. She’ll really be missed, especially since a lot of people find Ann Curry to be a twit. I didn’t mean to throw that in this otherwise nice story, but I can’t help it, Curry really bugs me. Maybe if she fixed her eyebrows I wouldn’t be as bothered by that breathy way she talks and the way she fawns all over the celebrities. Highlights of Meredith’s career: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy |
Cate Blanchett wears a baggy suit in Sydney: Hillary Clinton-esque? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 07:04 AM PDT These are new photos of Cate Blanchett attending the opening of the Sydney Film Festival, where her last film Hanna was being screened. First, let's talk fashion. God knows, Cate is one of the few women in the world who can literally wear ANYTHING and make it look high-fashion and fabulous. She is the anti-Katie Holmes. Holmes can put on a $6000 couture gown and it looks like it's from WalMart. Blanchett could wear a WalMart dress and she would look impossibly chic. So… with that being said, I don't like Cate in this oversized suit. She's always loved menswear-inspired looks, but this isn't a polished, chic look. This suit looks like it came from Hillary Clinton's closet. No disrespect to She Who Wears Pantsuits, but Cate is simply better than that, sartorially. Next: I'd like to talk about Hanna, which I saw for the first time a few weeks ago. It was… a bizarre film. Like, I'm surprised that it was made. I'm surprised that someone put up the money for this odd little movie. Saoirse Ronan was great in it, as was Eric Bana and the smaller, supporting roles. As for Cate's part as a bitchy, anal-retentive CIA operative/handler - uh. It was weird seeing her like that, walking around in her great suits and her Southern accent. But the whole thing was just weird. It made me wonder if Cate just needs to get back to doing strong dramatic performances in big films rather than these WTF?-supporting parts in little films. |
Maria Shriver could get $100 million in her divorce Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:49 AM PDT
[From Hollywood Life] Good for Maria for moving forward with the divorce and getting hers. She’s been looking resilient and kind of triumphant in her pap walks lately, flashing her ringless hand. Meanwhile Arnie is still wearing his wedding ring, like the douche in denial he’s been for the last twenty odd years. As I mentioned in an earlier story on this, I’m surprised he’s ready to move forward with a settlement and isn’t holding on harder to his marriage. He must have another woman lined up ready to take Maria’s place as his main piece while he continues boning anything that moves on the side. Just wait, we’ll see him with a girlfriend soon enough. Maria is shown on 5/31/11. credit: Brabus, PacificCoastNews.com. Arnold is shown on 6/7/11. Credit: Fame Pictures |
Jennifer Connelly & Paul Bettany welcome baby girl Agnes Lark Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:31 AM PDT Aw, Jennifer Connelly had her baby! She and her ginger Godsend of a husband, Paul Bettany, welcomed baby girl Agnes Lark on May 31. Damn! They kept that quiet. Apparently, it was a home birth. Baby Agnes joins two big brothers - 7-year-old Stellan and 13-year-old Kai (who is Connelly's son from a previous relationship). What are your thoughts on "Agnes Lark"? I like the "Lark" part. I think that's adorable. As for "Agnes"… well, I hope it's a family name. It sounds like a grandmother name.
[From Us Weekly] Congratulations to Paul and Jennifer! Both of her sons seem to have gotten her coloring, so it's probably too much to hope that little Agnes is a strawberry-blonde/ginger, like her daddy. It would have been awesome, though. Can't you just see Paul with a ginger baby girl? That thought just made my ovaries weep. Photos courtesy of WENN & Pacific Coast News. |
Dakota Fanning graduates from high school, enrolls in college for fall Posted: 08 Jun 2011 06:30 AM PDT Occasionally, it’s nice to read about a truly down-to-earth actor or actress who isn’t just faking it while simultaneously stomping upon their resting laurels. Such is the case with Dakota Fanning, who is probably the most unaffected young starlet in all of Hollywood and who will most likely make a smooth transition from child star to adult actress. First things first though, for Dakota and her family have placed a great emphasis on the importance of education and living as much of a “normal” life as is humanly possible; that is, for a 17-year-old whose IMDb profile lists an impressive acting 45 credits to her name. Even more amazing is the fact that Dakota also participated in extracurricular activities too, particularly as a cheerleader as well as being voted both Homecoming Princess and Queen of her high school. Now, she’s graduated from high school (here’s a cap-and-gown photo that we don’t have access to), and she’s already made plans for college, so it’s time for a celebration:
[From Us Magazine] See? I don’t think we’ll need to worry about Dakota pulling an Emma Watson after a year or two of undergrad either. Dakota will take things seriously and graduate because she’s used to the discipline of study (and the experience of school itself) instead of just dealing with an on-set tutor that came only in small doses. Nope, no “taking a break from college” for her. Or at least, I hope so. Photos courtesy of Fame Pictures |
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