Crushable |
- Art Crush: Richard Phillips on Sasha Grey
- Crushable Quotable: Jason Mraz Breaks Up with Fiance, Says Weird Stuff
- The Ghosts of ABC Family Shows Past
- Here’s the First Look at ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2
- Crushable’s Going to Internet Week! So, What Is Internet Week?
- Snap This: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Graduated from High School
- The Daily WTF: Woman Gets a Tattoo of 152 Facebook Friends
- Boyfriend of the Week: Khal Drogo From ‘Game of Thrones’
- Gallery: The Best Shots of Actors Posing with Their Action Figures
- Confessions of a Former Teenage Shoplifter
Art Crush: Richard Phillips on Sasha Grey Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:55 AM PDT Last week, we brought you artist Richard Phillips‘ 90-second video portrait of Lindsay Lohan. Richard has released a new video, and this time he profiles sexpot Sasha Grey in a lush Los Angeles setting. As much as the decadence of these pieces seem like they’d annoy us, they’re stunning enough that we can’t wait for more. (And we assume it’s only a matter of time before we get one with James Franco.) Post from: Crushable Art Crush: Richard Phillips on Sasha Grey |
Crushable Quotable: Jason Mraz Breaks Up with Fiance, Says Weird Stuff Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:55 AM PDT
Well, at least his art is victorious, here. And apparently Jason and Tristan still surf and do yoga together, so there’s that. Post from: Crushable Crushable Quotable: Jason Mraz Breaks Up with Fiance, Says Weird Stuff |
The Ghosts of ABC Family Shows Past Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:05 AM PDT This summer ABC Family is trotting out two new original shows: The Nine Lives of Chloe King and Switched at Birth, sticking to their strengths (teens in unusual situation who are just like you! and also class differences!). Who’s to say if these shows will be worth giving up an hour of your summer nights, as ABC Family’s track record is decidedly mixed. And as any My So Called Life fan can tell you, how long a show runs isn’t necessarily a measure of its success. Here are six canceled shows from this Family channel that represent the good, the bad and the ugly. Post from: Crushable The Ghosts of ABC Family Shows Past |
Here’s the First Look at ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2 Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:01 AM PDT Zombies! The lady in this pic probably won’t make it past the premiere, but she could take down a few humans before getting a gun (or shovel) to the head. We don’t know much about season 2, but it will follow the survivors of a zombie apocalypse (Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal, Sarah Wayne Callies, and others) as they escape the ruined CDC in Atlanta and look for shelter and other humans. Shooting began last week, and the first of 13 episodes will premiere on AMC in October. [TVLine] Post from: Crushable Here’s the First Look at ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2 |
Crushable’s Going to Internet Week! So, What Is Internet Week? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 10:45 AM PDT Crushable – and several other representatives from our B5 Media sister sites – is going to internet week! Internet Week is a weeklong festival in New York City dedicated to the changing tides of new media and technology. Events range in topic from the advertising, entertainment, technology, social media, and start-ups. There are panels and talks on the usefulness of Facebook friends (other than fodder for an arm tattoo) in connection with sports brands in “The Future of Sports and Social Networks,” the studies from “Digital Archeology,” which are on the construction of websites in the past 20 years, and "Food 2.0," about how food data has changed the business, the rise of review sites, and the availability of information regarding the nutrition and growth of food. Most events, if not coordinated by Yahoo! or the other media partners involved, are created by the tech companies and media websites that this week is about. However, anyone can make an event in connection with Internet Week, which allows for the wide and interesting mixture. Not only are there panels and conferences, but also mixers, classes, and parties. Getting into the spirit of summer, Yahoo! is sponsoring the Sweetery truck giving out free samples throughout the week, Tyra Banks is throwing a tea party in coordination with Demand Media Inc (I'm sure Tyra just forgot my invite), and Lisa Kudrow–who is actually the star of the web series "Web Therapy"–is hosting the Webutante Ball that culminates in the online viewing of the Webby Awards on Sunday night. So, with the meta-talk and focus on food and celebrities, it's basically like the internet, but IRL. To anyone who has used the internet (so: you), just the basic existence, set-up, and make-up of the event is an interesting look at how the media environment of today is rapidly changing, and changing us. There's even a panel called "Everybody's a Comedian," on the ways the internet, with sites like Tumblr, Twitter, and Youtube, has changed humor for both the professionals and the amateurs, and how it's important to keep the two separate. As someone who enjoys both panelist Judah Friedlander and, I hope they can settle their differences for hilarious peace—and if not, I hope it results in a furious rivalry akin to Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak in that seminal epic drama series, Pokémon. Finally, your truly is also doing a panel at Internet Week. B5 Media, which owns Crushable and the other websites you see in the tabs on top, will be having a panel as well. If you're in the city, come see us at: Thursday, June 9, 2011 The presenters from will include Lilit Marcus (editor in chief,, Meghan Keane (editorial director, B5), Jennifer Wright (editor in chief,, Meredith Lepore (editor in chief,, and Elaine Kunda (CEO, B5 Media). Lilit's talk is entitled "Cultivating Celebrity," about the role that our readers play in helping us decide which celebrities to cover and how. If you’re in New York, feel free to stop by and ask some questions! Finally, check here f you’re in the city and want to buy a pass to Internet Week — the HQ pass has a $10 discount if you tweet about it! Post from: Crushable Crushable’s Going to Internet Week! So, What Is Internet Week? |
Snap This: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Graduated from High School Posted: 08 Jun 2011 08:23 AM PDT
[Photo via Starcasm] Post from: Crushable Snap This: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Graduated from High School |
The Daily WTF: Woman Gets a Tattoo of 152 Facebook Friends Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:55 AM PDT It had been literally days since we’ve read any insane-tattoo news, so thank goodness this woman decided to ink the profile pics of 152 of her Facebook friends on her arm. In a video entitled “My Social Tattoo,” she explains the process of choosing certain friends to represent on her arm. Take that, Myspace Top 8! Post from: Crushable The Daily WTF: Woman Gets a Tattoo of 152 Facebook Friends |
Boyfriend of the Week: Khal Drogo From ‘Game of Thrones’ Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:37 AM PDT
Moreover, while I really don't mind makeup on a guy— like some concealer and eyeliner is not a problem— Drogo's charcoal shadow right up the brow bone did set off my "high maintenance" alarm. I thought about how long I'd have to wait for him in the mornings. We'd have our team of horses packed and ready, eager to race the sun, and where's Drogo? Oh, he's just off shading and blending. The second and third impressions didn't do much to improve my opinion, and that's because he seemed to be only into very rapey, doggy-style sex. I don't mean that this was his central turn-on in the way that Ice-T and his beautiful wife Coco describe in their latest E! special when they speak about how every individual has a certain sexual something that drives him or her crazy. It was more like Drogo didn't know how NOT to conduct himself in a rapey doggy-style manner, and that limitation was a huge turn-off. But it only took his angelic wife Daenerys refusing to be flipped around one night for Drogo to become a whole new man. (I think he's a man. He's really got the upper body of a centaur, but I've seen him fully naked and there are no fetlocks.) Suddenly his perpetually arched eyebrows looked a little less pissed, a little more mischievous. Such is the power of "cowgirl," and it wasn't even in reverse. Then he went up another rung for me after he found out that Daenerys was going to have a baby and he was totally supportive and excited about parenthood. Maybe that doesn't sound like much of an endorsement to you, but I've been watching every single episode of 16 And Pregnant this season, and let me tell you, those guys are real bumps on a log when it comes to baby stuff. They're like, "Yeah, I guess when my kid comes, I'll figure out about getting him some diapers or whatever," their voices trailing off into monotonal oblivion. Meanwhile, Drogo was excitedly shouting out to all his friends, "That is my son inside her, the stallion who will mount the world, filling her with his fire!" I thought to myself, this is a fellow who is authentically pumped about fatherhood. I don't know that I'd say he's a big ol' teddy bear underneath those intense shoulder tattoos and the tongue-ripping rage, but I do think he's going to be the kind of dad who laughs when the kid shits on his leg. I do! And what do you know? Now the big lug makes me laugh every time he comes on the screen! I even started thinking about him the other day while driving home from the dog park (I'm guessing all the bone-a fide doggy-style I'd witnessed there put Drogo on my mind), and I began laughing out of nowhere. "FA-FA QUEM EUM DEEP UGH UGH FEM FACH," I said from the back of my throat, trying to do an impression of this week's TV boyfriend. "No, it's more like, 'VELO SCHOCK AUSH QUEM EUM MANONUFF ZJUCK'," Brent corrected. "Listen, if you want me to start calling you 'moon of my life," then you're going to have to refer to me as 'your sun and stars.'" These are the terms of affection that Drogo and Daenerys frequently exchange, and while kiiiiiiind of cute in the context of the warrior tribe, they strike me as somewhat cheesy if you're just out and about, picking up toilet paper at CVS. "No, it's cool," I said. "You sure?" "Yeah, I'm good." And that was the truth, because it's more than enough that Brent laughs every single time our little French bulldog Christmas shits on his arms and his shirts. Post from: Crushable Boyfriend of the Week: Khal Drogo From ‘Game of Thrones’ |
Gallery: The Best Shots of Actors Posing with Their Action Figures Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:24 AM PDT As creator Guil Ty writes in the introduction to the new Tumblr Actors with Action Figures, celebrities face the weird future of not only having their likenesses blown up to forty feet on a movie screen, but also shrunk down to (hopefully) accurate action figures if they play superheroes, animated characters, or action stars. I’ve chosen the cutest shots of celebs interacting with their tiny doppelgangers, though I realize at least half are cute guys. So, it’s like our “Hot Guys Holding Baby Animals” office calendar, but for the geek set, and with a few ladies and older guys thrown in. Post from: Crushable Gallery: The Best Shots of Actors Posing with Their Action Figures |
Confessions of a Former Teenage Shoplifter Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:16 AM PDT
I too was a teenage shoplifter, but my relationship with stealing lasted a lot longer than three weeks. As a freshman in high school, too young for most social activities, my two best girlfriends – we’ll call them Katie and Emma – and I spent almost every weekend at our local mall. Katie and Emma’s parents always gave them money to go shopping, and I was jealous of how both of them ended every Saturday with a whole stack of new tank tops, jeans, and dangly earrings while I was lucky to score a new T-shirt with what was left of my babysitting money. In a way, I started stealing because I wanted to balance things out – what made me different from Emma and Katie, otherwise? We had similar families and took the same classes in school, and I felt like the only thing holding me back was my smaller wardrobe. When you’re fourteen, it seems like every problem in life can be solved with a new sweater or a new tube of lip gloss. And I fancied myself a sort of teenage Robin Hood, stealing from the rich (stores) to give to the poor (me). And I was good at it. I was small and unassuming, hanging out with two friends who always bought stuff while I waited outside the dressing room looking forlorn. I knew which stores had cameras in the dressing rooms and which ones didn’t have security tags on their clothes. I limited myself to one item per store, dancing on an invented line of morality: either the earrings or the skirt is fine, I told myself, but not both. Most of the stuff I stole was worn immediately and often, and when I slipped onto the dress I’d balled up and fit into my knapsack under a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird that rush came all over again, exhilarating and triumphant. Shoplifting was my way of balancing it out, of making up for the perceived deficiencies in my life. At my school, rich kids were popular and poor kids weren’t, with the occasional token exception. The rich kids had cars and the poor kids took the bus; the rich kids were crowned Homecoming Queen while wearing the finest that Jessica McClintock had to offer and the poor kids sat outside smoking in the parking lot. Stealing the clothes I couldn’t afford was my way of trying to make up the inequity. If I could steal clothes, I could probably work my way up to stealing happiness. I never got caught. I can’t tell you why I stopped shoplifting. At some point I realized that new clothes couldn’t make a new girl, and after a close call with a mall security guard I decided that I’d rather have fewer clothes than get grounded for life and not be able to wear said clothes in public. So my shoplifting record is still flawless. Like Oprah, I went out at the top of my game. There’s one dress I still have from my shoplifting days. Most of the clothes I outgrew or got tired of and tossed into the Goodwill pile. The dress is a black minidress with spaghetti straps. It’s completely unlike the clothes I wore then and from the ones I wear now. I believe I’ve worn it three times total. When I stole it, I had an idea in my head of the sort of woman I was going to grow up to be, somebody who was no longer self-conscious about money and status but somebody who was sexy and confident. Even though I have enough money to pay for my own clothes now, there’s still a part of me that goes into stores and looks around for cameras or checks to see if the clerks are paying attention to people’s bags when they leave. Like any addiction that’s in remission, my desire to shoplift bubbles up now and again, wending through my veins and trying to make me reach for things. I still have a space in my bag that would fit a belt or a tightly rolled skirt. But I think about the black minidress still hanging in my closet, and I keep walking. I may not have grown up into the sort of woman who wears that sexy dress, but I have grown up. Post from: Crushable Confessions of a Former Teenage Shoplifter |
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