Friday, June 3, 2011



Sex on the Wire: Bigger Can Be Better

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 11:15 AM PDT

• Are you acting like a crazy ex? Don’t do that, nutcase! (The College Crush)

• Gender stereotypes: do you conform to them? Will that get you more dates? Maybe with Ken dolls. (MyDaily)

• One woman on why she likes her bigger body better than her littler body. (The Frisky)

• Abortion: let’s break the taboo already, shall we? (College Candy)

• Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries had an engagement party! Check it out, will ya? (Celebuzz)

• What’s a man really thinking on those first few dates? Probably about basketball. (YourTango)

Post from: Crushable

Sex on the Wire: Bigger Can Be Better

Am I Right Ladies? Miracle Whip It Good

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 11:22 AM PDT

Somebody needs to tell the good people of Miracle Whip to r-e-l-a-x. I mean it's almost like they need to get laid more than I do, and I think we all know that it's been years. Seriously, what tube top do I have to squeeze into to get a man to just eye-f**k me, amirightladies? But this whole "we won't tone it down, you can't handle the truth, we're here, we're schmear, get used to it" schtick is just exhausting. You aren't mayo, you aren't butter, you aren't bacon fat. So when it comes to the light salad dressing that is Miracle Whip, I WILL put baby in the corner. At least until I'm really desperate. Or as I like to call it: Thursdays.

Post from: Crushable

Am I Right Ladies? Miracle Whip It Good

Snap This: Happy National Donut Day!

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 10:14 AM PDT

In honor of National Donut Day, we bring you this image of Homer Simpson trying to eat his own head, which has magically turned into a donut. Whether you favor Krispy Kreme, Dunkin, or any other variety of donut, we suggest you go out and treat yourself to one, stat. Happy munching!

Post from: Crushable

Snap This: Happy National Donut Day!

Watch Justin Bieber Age a Year in 2 Seconds

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 10:10 AM PDT

We never thought it would happen, but Justin Bieber‘s becoming a man, you guys. Those recent photos taken with Selena Gomez in Hawaii prove that the kid’s growing some muscles — and his face is maturing as well. How quickly? Check out this morph from an image of Justin from last week into one take exactly a year ago. Puberty!

Post from: Crushable

Watch Justin Bieber Age a Year in 2 Seconds

The Crushable Team Predicts the MTV Movie Award Winners

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 10:51 AM PDT

The MTV Movie Awards airs this Sunday. There are plenty of the usual suspects – Twilight and Harry Potter – but also some unexpected nominees. So who will go home with the coveted golden popcorn? Here are our official office predictions.

Post from: Crushable

The Crushable Team Predicts the MTV Movie Award Winners

The Words That Helped Sukanya Roy Win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 09:59 AM PDT

As funny as it is to watch videos of spelling bee contestants almost faint under the pressure of articulating impossibly tricky words, the video of Scripps National Spelling Bee champion Sukanya Roy spelling the final word is so sweet. She does what many kids do — writing frantically on her hand to visualize the letters — but you see the moment where she realizes, halfway through the word, that she’s through the worst part. As she announces the last few letters, her face lights up and she even lets out a relieved laugh on the final “s.” Oh, and the word is cymotrichous, a Greek-to-French word which describes having wavy hair.

Also, whoever wrote up the sentences must have had a sense of humor this year, because this is what Roy got: “There is considerable debate among musicologists about whether there is a causal relationship between Bon Jovi‘s most awesome tunes and the band’s cymotrichous era.” (Era or hair?)

The 14-year-old Roy won $40,000 and beat out 274 other contestants. On the next page, check out which words directly or indirectly helped Roy leap ahead.

Post from: Crushable

The Words That Helped Sukanya Roy Win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

Gary Shirley and Amber Portwood Are Icking Me Out on Twitter

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 09:55 AM PDT

The next season of Teen Mom – with all four original stars – kicks off on July 5. Want some clue about what’ll happen? Look no further than Gary Shirley‘s Twitter account, where he and Amber Portwood post annoying lovey-dovey tweets about each other. Looks like this dysfunctional couple is back on with a vengeance. So will season three feature Gary proposing yet again while Amber berates him for not doing it right?

GET A ROOM, YOU GUYS. Or does that violate your restraining order?

Post from: Crushable

Gary Shirley and Amber Portwood Are Icking Me Out on Twitter

Internet Lingo Like “NSFW”, “ZOMG”, and “Unfollow” Added to the Dictionary

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 09:14 AM PDT

As a casual geek, I have an ambivalent response to the announcement that the Oxford Dictionaries Online has decided to incorporate several serious and irreverent words from Internet-speak into its latest addition. On the one hand, it’s validating to see the exclamations traded over message boards become part of mainstream conversation. But part of that geek appeal is these words acting almost as passwords to get through the various layers of Internet communities. If everyone knows them, where’s the fun?

Here’s the list of tech-related words with their official definitions. There are a few in here that even I didn’t realize were universally accepted.

  • Cyber Monday – (in the US) the Monday following Thanksgiving, promoted by online retailers as a day for exceptional bargains
  • infographic – a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data: a good infographic is worth a thousand words
  • insidery – proceeding from or reflecting an insider’s knowledge or perspective: an insidery website that is widely read in the capital’s political precincts insidery jargon
  • lappy – a laptop: I’m going to transfer my CD collection to the lappy

While I don’t love the image of a dog with its face buried in a bowl of water, I guess this is better than “‘puter”, which is what my friends and I used when we were too lazy to write out “computer.” Then again, that was the age where you may not have had a personal laptop on which to surf.

  • meep – a short, high-pitched sound, especially as emitted by an animal or a vehicle’s horn: the kitten released a terrified meep

I should’ve known it would be the cute stuff that would cross the divide — after all, Internet memes existed long before lolcats, but that was the gateway drug for many, many users.

Post from: Crushable

Internet Lingo Like “NSFW”, “ZOMG”, and “Unfollow” Added to the Dictionary

Hot Shot: Model Michael Wozniak Is Wet

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 09:09 AM PDT

Happy Friday: here’s a photo of 20-year-old American model Michael Wozniak to get you through the day and into the weekend. Cute boys and outdoor showers? Sounds like a perfect way to spend the summer.

(via Ford)

Post from: Crushable

Hot Shot: Model Michael Wozniak Is Wet

Crushable Quotable: Paris Hilton Wanted to Be Like Princess Diana

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 11:08 AM PDT

On one of the stops on her image rehabilitation tour, Paris Hilton told CNN’s Piers Morgan how devastated she was when her sex tape was released. “It’s something that changed my life forever,” she said. “You know, and I was a little girl, I looked up to people like Princess Diana and these women, and I feel like he [ex-boyfriend/sex tape partner Rick Salomon] took that away from me.”

It would be one thing if Paris’ tape really had been innocently leaked without her knowledge (a la Tyler Clementi, for example). But the fact that she profited financially from the tape and signed a contract to release it means that I do not feel sorry for her at all. And it’s not as if a sex tape is the only thing keeping Paris from being the American Princess Di. Diana was known for her charity work, and she fought tirelessly for her chosen campaigns. As for Paris, she announced after her release from prison that she was going to visit Rwanda for charity, but she’s never set foot in the country. And, as Barbara Walters pointed out, Paris was shown on her new reality show being physically dragged out of bed by an assistant the day that she was assigned to do a community service project. The only thing Paris has in common with Di is the hair, and even that’s a stretch.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Paris Hilton Wanted to Be Like Princess Diana

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