Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tag: 8 Questions

One of my favourite bloggers Gaby had tagged me on this post ;) Thanks so much for thinking of me Hun!!

So...I'm going to answer Gaby's questions, come up with my own questions and then tag eight others to answer them.

1. What's your favorite beauty item?
Oh no, just one?! LOL. Okay then, I have to say mascara.

2. How did you become interested into beauty?
I really got into makeup when I was midway through high school under the influence of my younger sister (she is one year younger than me).

3. What do you like to see the most into a blog?
I like seeing a mix of things: reviews, a bit about their life, things they bought, random topics or pictures they found interesting...etc...I get bored if a blog is focused strictly on just one thing all the time.

4. What's your favorite hobby (besides blogging)?
Spending time with friends and family doing just about anything :) Oh and sleeping! LOL

5. What's your favorite book?
So far, one of my favourite authors is Charles Dickens. I'm currently re-reading"Great Expectations" for the third time now (I don't recommend the movie by the way). I also really loved his novel "Dombey and Son".
For an easier read, the Harry Potter book series by J.K. Rowling is my favourite book series.

6. Do you study/work?
I'm doing both now! I'm currently investing (stock market) and I'm studying to be a licensed in real estate.

7. Do you have a dream?
I sure do! Many dreams as a matter of fact ;) It all stems from trying to live a fantastic life

I tag the following eight people to answer my questions below....



Miss Nikka

Pop Champagne


My eight questions for you....

1. Are you a morning person?
2. How long have you known your closest friend for?

3. In three words, how would your friends describe you?
4. Do you prefer to drive or do you prefer to be a passenger?
5. Tell me one thing/event that took you by surprise this year.
6. Will you colour your hair when it starts to grey?

7. What website is set as your homepage?

8. What is your favourite animal at the zoo?

And, you're welcome to follow up on the tag if you'd like to participate! I'd love to hear your answers if you do, so just link it to me in the comment box for this post ;)

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